"Non sol, dissi, tu poi, anima fera
Levare a questi miei languidi lumi
Il lor più caro obietto,
Ma questo afflitto cor trarmi dal petto,
Non farai già mentre havrò spirto e core,
Idolo mio crudel, ch’io non t'adore.
Deh torn' à me, deh tor-na",» e quì mancommi
Lo spirto e la voce; del mio aspetto
Gl'atti languidi e mesti indi le fero,
A temprar il mio duol pietoso invito.
All' hora ella si volse
E serenossi in vista
E i bei pietosi lumi in me converse.
Ben vidi in quel momento
Il bel d'ogn' altro bello in me rivolto
Si bella è la pietà nel suo bel volto.
English translation
«Not only,»—said I—«fierce spirit, can you
take from these weary eyes of mine
their dearest object,
but even pluck this afflicted heart out of my breast:
you shall not, so long as I have breath and heart,
my cruel idol, prevent me from adoring you.
Return to me, return…» and here spirit and voice
failed me; thus I offered her
the weary and melancholy gestures of my face
as a piteous invitation to temper my pain.
Then she turned,
and her face became serene,
and hercompassionate eyes she turned to me.
Truly I saw, in that moment,
the beauty of all beauties turned towards me,
so beautiful is pity in her beautiful face