Nunc incipio Christi (Giovanni Andrea Dragoni)

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Editor: Willem Verkaik (submitted 2024-09-01).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 299 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Nunc incipio Christi
Composer: Giovanni Andrea Dragoni
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1600 in Motectorum, quae quinque vocibus concinuntur, liber primus (Giovanni Andrea Dragoni), no. 13

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Nunc incipio Christi esse discipulus,
nihil de his quae videntur, desiderans, ut Iesum Christum inveniam.
Ignis, crux, bestiae, confractio ossium, membrorum divisio,
et totius corporis contritio,
et tota tormenta diaboli in me veniant; tantum Christo fruar.

Divinum Officium, Ad Matutinum, Lectio 6

English.png English translation

I feel now that I am beginning to be Christ's disciple;
I desire none of those things which are seen, if so be I may find Christ Jesus.
I care not that there come upon me fire, or cross, or wild beasts, or breaking of my bones, or sundering of my members,
or destruction of my whole body,
yea, or all the torments of the devil, if only so be I may win Christ.