Nymphes des bois (Josquin des Prez)

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  • (Posted 2021-10-17)  CPDL #66238: 
Original key:        
Transposed down a minor third:    
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2021-10-17).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 236 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transcribed from Susato's part books. Original note values and key signature. Mensurstrich layout.
  • (Posted 2020-02-04)  CPDL #56919:     
Editor: Adrian Wall (submitted 2020-02-04).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 609 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: As #45026, transposed down a minor 3rd
  • (Posted 2018-11-11)  CPDL #51824:     
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2018-11-11).   Score information: Letter, 5 pages, 93 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Original pitches and note values, set from the Susato edition. Parts available at http://dfwviols.com/new/2018-11-11-01.
  • (Posted 2017-06-18)  CPDL #45026:     
Editor: Adrian Wall (submitted 2017-06-18).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 925 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Note values quartered. Some part-swapping, to facilitate performance by SATBarB. Includes Molinet's original text and Susato's version.
  • (Posted 2013-11-02)  CPDL #30486:        (Finale 2008)
Editor: André Vierendeels (submitted 2013-11-02).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 121 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2011-01-10)  CPDL #22985:     
Editor: A. Nagoski (submitted 2011-01-10).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 96 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: ed. by A. Nagoski.
  • (Posted 2006-01-04)  CPDL #10578:         
Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2006-01-04).   Score information: Letter, 12 pages, 123 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Listed alphabetically by composer and title on external site.
  • (Posted 2001-07-17)  CPDL #02855:  Network.png PDF, MIDI, & LilyPond files available.
Editor: Laura Conrad (submitted 2001-07-17).   Score information: Letter, 11 pages, 971 kB   Copyright: GnuGPL
Edition notes: 2 versions, one a fourth down for male chorus, in partbook format
  • (Posted 2001-07-17)  CPDL #02854:  Network.png PDF, MIDI, and LilyPond files available.
Editor: Laura Conrad (submitted 2001-07-17).   Score information: Letter, 11 pages, 971 kB   Copyright: GnuGPL
Edition notes: 2 versions, one a fourth down for male chorus, in partbook format; First Booke of Songs or ayres of foure parts
  • (Posted 2001-01-25)  CPDL #02012:  Network.png PDF & MIDI files
Editor: François-Xavier Chauchat (submitted 2001-01-25).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 83 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Files available at 'http://arenai.free.fr' in Database section
  • (Posted 2000-06-07)  CPDL #00924:  Network.png PostScript and MusiXTex files available.
Editor: Moriwaki Michio (submitted 2000-06-07).   Score information: A4, 10 pages, 117 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: PDF & GIF formats also available, but Postscript prints more reliably.

General Information

Title: Nymphes des bois
Alternative title: La déploration de la mort de Johannes Ockeghem
Composer: Josquin des Prez
Lyricist: Jehan Molinetcreate page (with Latin from the Requiem-Mass)

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularChansonLament

Languages: French, Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1508 in Motetti a cinque libro 1, no. 8
    Manuscript 1518 in the Medici Codex, no. 46
    2nd published: 1545 in Septiesme livre contenant vingt-quatre chansons a cinq et six parties, no. 23
    3rd published: 1843 in Recueil des morceaux de musique ancienne, Volume 5, no. 41
Description: Elegy for Johannes Ockeghem. Molinet's poem may be found Bibliothèque nationale de France ms Fr 24315 (c.1497). Petrucci's edition is largely untexted, only including the Latin sections of the text. The Medici Codex has Molinet's text, adding the line "doct, élégant et non point trappe", which may be Josquin's addition. Susato's edition has an amended text.

External websites:

  • Free choir training aids for this work are available at Choralia.
  • The Academy of Dijon provides historical background and an analysis (visual and musical) of this piece of music: with audio-examples… in French.

Original text and translations

French.png French and Latin.png Latin text

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine
et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Nymphes des bois, deesses des fontaines,
Chantres expers de toutes nations,
Changes vos voix fors claires et haultaines
En cris trenchans et lamentations,
Car Atropos tres terrible satrappe
Votre Ockeghem atrappe en sa trappe,
Vray tresorier de musiqe et chef doeuvre,
Doct elegant de corps et non point trappe,
Grant domaige est que la terre le couvre.

Acoultres vous dhabis de doeul,
Josquin Piersson Brumel Comper,
Et ploures grosses larmes doeul,
Perdu aves votre bon pere.

Requiescant in pace.

English.png English translation

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Wood-nymphs, goddesses of the fountains,
Skilled singers of every nation,
Turn your voices, so clear and lofty,
To piercing cries and lamentation
Because Atropos, terrible satrap,
Has caught your Ockeghem in her trap,
The true treasurer of music and master,
Learned, handsome and by no means stout.
It is a source of great sorrow that the earth must cover him.

Put on the clothes of mourning,
Josquin, Pierre de la Rue[?], Brumel, Compère,
And weep great tears from your eyes,
For you have lost your good father.

May they rest in peace.

German.png German translation

Herr, schenke ihnen die ewige Ruhe;
Und das ewige Licht leuchte ihnen.

Ihr Nymphen des Waldes, Ihr Göttinnen der Quellen,
Ihr grossen Sänger aller Nationen,
Lasst statt eurer hellen, schönen Stimmen
Durchdringende Schreie und Klagen ertönen.
Denn Atropos, die schreckliche Herrscherin,
Hat euren Ockeghem in ihrer Falle gefangen,
Den wahren Schatzmeister der Musik, ein Meisterwerk,
Gelehrt, elegant von Statur, nicht klein und gedrungen.
Es ist ein grosses Unglück, dass ihn nun Erde deckt.

Legt eure Trauerkleider an,
Josquin, Piersson, Brumel, Compère,
Und weint viele Tränen:
Ihr habt euren lieben Vater verloren.
Möge er in Frieden ruhen.

(submitted by Kristin Denzer)

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Gij, bosnimfen en bronnimfen
meesterzangers aller landen,
maakt uw hoge en heldere stemmen
tot schrille schreeuwen en jammerklachten,
Want Atropos, de schrikwekkende satraap,
heeft uw Ockeghem gevangen in zijn val,
de ware schatbewaarder der muziek, de maestro,
de vakman, elegant van postuur, nooit bot.
Wat een slag, dat aarde hem nu dekt.

Hult u in u rouwgewaden,
Josquin, Piersson (Pierre de la Rue?) Brumel, Compère,
en laat uw tranen stromen:
Verloren hebt gij uw lieve vader.
Hij ruste in vrede. Amen

Geef hen eeuwig rust, Heer,
en moge eeuwig licht over hen schijnen;
Hij ruste in vrede. Amen.

(submitted by Dick Wursten)

Variant texts & modern French

French.png French text

Nymphes des bois, deesses des fontaines,
Chantres expres de toutes nations,
Changes vos voix fors claires et haultaines
En cris trenchans et lamentations,

Car Atropos tres terrible satrappe
Votre Ockeghem atrappe en sa trappe,
Vray tresorier de musiqe et chef doeuvre,
Doct elegant de corps et non point trappe,
Grant domaige est que la terre le couvre.

Acoultres vous dhabis de doeul,
Josquin Piersson Brumel Comper,
Et ploures grosses larmes doeul,
Perdu aves votre bon pere.

French.png French text

Version with variant spellings
Changez vos voix fort claires et hautaines
En cris tranchants et lamentations

Car Atropos tres terrible satrappe,
Votre Ockeghem atrappe en sa trappe,
Vrai tresorier de musiqu’et chef d’œuvre,
Doct, elegant de corps et non point trappe.
Grand dommag’est que la terre le couvre.

Accoutrez vous d’habits de deuil,
Josquin, Piersson, Brumel, Compère,
Et pleurez grosses larmes d’œil.
Perdu avez votre bon pere.

(submitted by Kristin Denzer)

French.png French text

Version from Susato's 1545 print

Nymphes des bois, deesses des fontaines
chantres expers de toutes nations
changes voz voix fors cleres et haultaines
en cris tranchantz et lamentations

car dattropos les molestations
votre okeghem par sa rigueur attrape
le vray tresor de musiqe et chief doeuvre
qui de tropos desormais plus neschappe
dont grant domaige' est que la terre coeuvre

acoultrez vous d'abitz de dueil
Josquin Brumel Pirchon Compere
et plorez grosses larmes de oeuil
perdu avez vostre bon pere.

French.png French translation

Modern French

Nymphes des bois, déesses des fontaines,
chantres experts de toutes les nations,
changez vos voix fort claires et hautaines
en cris tranchants et lamentations,

car d'Atropos les molestations
votre Ockeghem par sa rigueur
attrape le vrai trésor de musique et chef d'oeuvre.
Qui d'Atropos désormais plus n'échappe
dont grand dommage est
que la terre le couvre.

Acoutrez-vous d'habits de deuil:
Josquin, Brumel, de la Rue, Compère,
et pleurez grosses larmes d'oeil:
perdu avez votre bon père.

Cantus firmus: Donnez-lui la paix éternelle, Seigneur, et que la lumière éternelle l'éclaire.