O cessate di piagarmi (Alessandro Scarlatti)

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  • (Posted 2008-07-31)  CPDL #17760:  Network.png
Contributor: David Newman (submitted 2008-07-31).  Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 88 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: Cross posting by Art Song Central - Lyrics in both Italian and English - English lyrics by Dr. Theodore Baker - Edition in E Minor.

General Information

Title: O cessate di piagarmi
Composer: Alessandro Scarlatti
Lyricist: Nicolò Minato

Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Soprano solo
Genre: SecularAria

Language: Italian
Instruments: Piano

First published: 1885 in Anthology of Italian song, Book 1, no. 5
Description: The aria "O cessate di piagarmi" is from an aria in the opera "Pompeo".

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

O cessate di piagarmi,
O lasciatemi morir!
Luc’ ingrate,
Più del gelo e più del marmi
Fredde e sorde a’ miei martir.

Più d'un angue, più d'un aspe
crudi e sordi a' miei sospir,
[occhi alteri,
ciechi e fieri,]1
voi potete risanarmi,
e godete al mio languir.

English.png English translation

O stop wounding me,
O leave me to die!
eyes so ungrateful, merciless,
more than ice and more than marble
cold and deaf to my sufferings!
and you enjoy my fainting.

More than a snake, more than an asp,
cruel and unhearing to my sighs,
eyes so proud,
unseeing and ferocious,
you have power to make me well again,
and you enjoy my fainting.