O miracol d'Amore (Luzzasco Luzzaschi)

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  • (Posted 2022-11-05)  CPDL #71439:        (LilyPond)
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2022-11-05).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 79 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: O miracol d'Amore
Composer: Luzzasco Luzzaschi
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSAAB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1595 in Quinto Libro de' Madrigali a 5 voci, no. 5

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

O miracol d’Amore!
Io bramo mirar voi, dolce mia vita,
e’l mirar cresce al cor nuova ferita:
per cui convien ch’io moia.

Ma diviene il morir mercede e gioia,
perché vive e non more
quest’alma, che partendo dal suo core,
in voi mio caro core
trasformata, gode vita beata.
O mia felice sorte,
se mille volte il dì provassi morte!

English.png English translation

Love's miracle!
I long to see you, my dear life,
and the sight slices my heart open once more—
my death-blow.

But then, death becomes a joy…
my soul lives, it doesn’t die!
It leaves its body,
utterly changed,
living in blessedness in you.
What a piece of luck,
if every day I could have a thousand deaths!

Translation by Nicholas Jones

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