Pastime with good company (Henry VIII)

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  • (Posted 2023-11-14)  CPDL #77329:     
Editor: Adrian Wall (submitted 2023-11-14).   Score information: A4, 1 page, 194 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Note values halved. With added alto part (SATB)
  • (Posted 2020-06-03)  CPDL #59033:     
Editor: Gary D. Cannon (submitted 2020-06-03).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 62 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2018-11-22)  CPDL #52267:     
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2018-11-22).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 54 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2011-08-05)  CPDL #24097:  Network.png   Icon_ly.gif
Editor: Kenji Yamamoto (submitted 2011-08-05).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 67 kB   Copyright: CC BY 3.0 Unported
Edition notes: ATB
  • (Posted 2008-07-03)  CPDL #17433:  Icon_pdf_globe.gif Icon_snd_globe.gif Icon_mp3_globe.gif Icon_ly_ext.png Network.png Part Midis and Mp3s Available
Editor: Monique Rio (submitted 2008-07-03).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 236 kB    Copyright: Creative Commons BY 4.0
Edition notes: Updated 2016-08-17
  • (Posted 2006-02-05)  CPDL #10930:         
Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2006-02-05).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 19 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Listed under: Tudor, Henry. NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
  • (Posted 2006-01-15)  CPDL #10736:      (Sibelius 3)
Editor: Philip Legge (submitted 2006-01-15).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 84 kB    Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Included in the TUMS Busking Book.
  • (Posted 2004-07-02)  CPDL #07429:   
Editor: Jim Cooke (submitted 2004-07-02).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 128 kB    Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: SATB/tambourine or sim. This is an adapted version for mixed choir. The melody is from a secondary source - a vinyl recording, which seems to have mixed extant printed versions because of the variant opening bar.
  • (Posted 2004-02-20)  CPDL #06753:  Network.png Scorch, MIDI and Sibelius 2 files available.
Editor: John D. Smith (submitted 2004-02-20).   Score information: A4, 1 page    Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Scores listed alphabetically by composer. All scores available in Scorch format, some are also available as PDF files.
  • (Posted 2003-12-04)  CPDL #06172:  Network.png PDF and MIDI files available.
Editor: Ted Dean (submitted 2003-12-04).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 22 kB    Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2003-04-08)  CPDL #04730:  Network.png PDF, MIDI and Overture files available.
Editor: John Kilpatrick (submitted 2003-04-08).   Score information: A4, 1 and 4 pages, 19 and 62 kB    Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Two versions STB (or ATB) available with slightly different harmonies, and a third version that includes elaborations by the editor of verses 2 & 3, up to SATBB.
  • (Posted 2001-03-13)  CPDL #02161:        (Finale 2001)
Editor: Claudio Macchi (submitted 2001-03-13).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 27 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2000-07-24)  CPDL #01185:        (Finale 1998)
Editor: François-Xavier Chauchat (submitted 2000-07-24).   Score information: Letter, 2 pages, 34 kB    Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Pastime with good company
Composer: Henry VIII

Number of voices: 3, 4vv   Voicings: ATB or SATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript c.1515 in the Henry VIII manuscript, no. 7
Description: Some editions are ATB, some are rearranged for SATB, or have a S descant over the ATB score.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Pastime with good company
I love, and shall until I die.
Gruch* who lust but none deny,
So God be pleas'd thus live will I.
For my pastance,
hunt, sing, and dance,
my heart is set
All goodly sport,
for my comfort,
who shall me let?

2. Youth must have some dalliance,
of good or ill some pastance.
Company methinks then best,
all thoughts and fancies to digest.
For idleness,
is chief mistress
of vices all
Then who can say
but mirth and play
is best of all.

3. Company with honesty,
Is virtue, vices to flee.
Company is good and ill,
but every man hath his free will.
The best ensue,
the worst eschew,
my mind shall be
Virtue to use,
vice to refuse,
thus shall I use me.

Italian.png Italian translation

1. Amo passare il tempo in buona
compagnia, e lo farò finché vivo.
Mi invidi chi vuole, ma nessuno me lo neghi,
e a Dio piacendo vivrò così.
Per il mio tempo libero,
cacciare, cantare e ballare,
il mio cuore è pronto
per i buoni passatempi,
per il mio benessere,
chi me lo permetterà*?

2. La gioventù deve innamorarsi,
nel bene e nel male deve avere passatempi.
Credo che la compagnia sia la miglior cura,
per superare le fantasie e i pensieri.
Poiché l'ozio
è il padre
di tutti i vizi
chi non può dire
che l'allegria e il gioco
siano i migliori di tutti?

3. Un'onesta compagnia
è virtù, e fugge i vizi.
La compagnia è buona o cattiva,
ma ogni uomo ha libera volontà.
Seguire il bene,
fuggire il male
sarà il mio pensiero,
ad usare la virtù,
a rifiutare il vizio
mi adopererò.

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Passatempo em boa companhia,
Eu amo, e amarei até morrer.
Inveje-me quem quiser, mas ninguém me o negue,
Estando Deus satisfeito, assim eu viverei.
Para meu passatempo:
Caçar, cantar, e dançar,
O meu coração está pronto!
Todo o bom desporto,
Para o meu conforto,
Quem me impedirá?

A juventude deve ter algum galanteio,
De bom ou mau algum passatempo.
Penso que a companhia é o melhor deles
Para absorver todos os pensamentos e fantasias.
Pois a ociosidade,
É a grande senhora,
De todos os vícios:
Então, quem pode dizer,
Senão que a alegria e o jogo,
São o melhor de tudo?

Companhia com honestidade,
É virtude que afugenta os vícios,
A companhia pode ser boa ou má,
Mas todo homem tem seu livre-arbítrio.
Perseguir o melhor,
Renunciar ao pior,
Será o meu propósito:
Usar de virtude,
Recusar o vício,
Para isso me aplicarei!

German.png German translation

Zeit verbringen in guter Gesellschaft,
liebe ich und werde es lieben bis zu meinem Tod.
Diejenigen, die allen Lastern nachgehen, lehne ich ab.
Zu meinem Zeitvertreib jage, singe und tanze ich,
mein Herz ist voll von bester Kurzweil,
wer soll mich daran hindern?

Die Jugend braucht ihre Tändelei
Und guten oder schlechten Zeitvertreib.
Gesellschaft ist das beste Mittel,
alle Gedanken und Gelüste auszuleben.
Denn der Müßiggang führt zum Laster,
und es ist klar, dass nur Fröhlichkeit und Spiel das Beste ist.

Gesellschaft mit Ehrlichkeit ist tugendhaft,
die Laster sind zu meiden,
Gesellschaft kann gut oder schlecht sein,
aber jeder Mann hat seinen freien Willen.
Das Beste sichere ich mir,
das Schlechteste vermeide ich,
mein Geist soll so beschaffen sein:
Ich übe mich in Rechtschaffenheit,
weise das Laster zurück, so will ich mich verhalten.

French.png French translation

C'est passer le temps en bonne compagnie
Que j'aime et ce, jusqu'à ma mort.
La luxure est à plaindre, c'est indéniable
Afin de plaire à Dieu ainsi vivrai.
Comme passe-temps, chasse, chants et danses
Mon coeur préfère
Toute occupation convenable, pour mon réconfort
Qui me le permettra ?

La jeunesse peut baguenauder
Avec de bons ou mauvais passe-temps.
Être en compagnie me paraît meilleur
Afin de dépasser pensées et imaginations.
Car l'oisiveté est la maîtresse en chef
De tous les vices
Ainsi qui peut dire que la gaîté et le jeu
ne soient les meilleurs.

La compagnie, honnêtement
c'est la vertu, que s'enfuient les vices.
Dans la compagnie, il y a du bon et du mauvais
Mais chacun a son libre arbitre.
Suivre le meilleur, éviter le pire
Ce sera mon opinion ;
Se servir de la vertu, refuser les vices
Ainsi j'en userai.

* gruch: archaic form of grudge.