Post Martinum (Johann Hermann Schein)

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  • (Posted 2010-07-16)  CPDL #21969:         
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2010-07-16).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 85 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Mensural notation, original key and note values, musica ficta clearly marked. The spelling of the German text is original. The pronunciation of the "w" in e.g. trawren should be like a (double-) u and not like a double-v. Besides German this work contains also Latin and French words. The French at the end is quite incorrect according to modern French and should now be bois. The pronunciation might be "bo-eh".

General Information

Title: Post Martinum
Composer: Johann Hermann Schein

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1609 in Venus-Kränzlein, no. 25

External websites:

Original text and translations

German.png German, Latin.png Latin and French.png French text

Laßt uns frewen und frölich sein
zu Lob dem Schöpfer aller Dinge
der uns beschert hat guten Wein
davon ich dir jetzt eins will bringen
Las Trawren Sorgen fahren
Ob es wohl ist ein voll Geschirr
Will ichs doch machen reine
Ob du bscheid thust ist mein Begir
denn ichs gar trewlich meine

Post Martinum
bonum vinum
bonum vinum das ist Wein
Laß uns einmal frölich sein
es ist noch mehr im Faß
Reinefall und Malvasier
Reinscher Wein und Torgischbier
ist keines bawren Wahre

Boy, boy, boy compagni, Boy

English.png English translation

Let us make merry and be of good cheer,
in praise of the creator of all things
who has given us good wine.
I'll bring you a glass of it now.
Forget your cares and worries.
Although the glass is full
I shall drain it to the dregs.
Pray toast me in return,
for you know you can trust me.

After St Martin's Day [11 November]
the wine is good.
Let us be merry:
the barrel is not empty yet:
Reinefall and Malmsey,
wine from the Rhine and Torgau beer
is not what the peasants offer for sale.

Let us drink, companions, drink! Sink that drink!

Translation by Mick Swithinbank