Qual sia'l dolor (Leonard Meldert)

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  • (Posted 2017-04-06)  CPDL #43908:          (Finale 2014)
Editor: Willem Verkaik (submitted 2017-04-06).   Score information: Letter, 6 pages, 397 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Qual sia'l dolor
Composer: Leonard Meldert
Lyricist: Hubert Naich (adapted)

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1578 in Primo libro dei Madrigali a cinque voci, no. 8

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Qual sia'l dolor della crudel partita Signor,
Se nel pensar solo al partire,
Io mi sento morire.
Tu sai pur che costumi e che fede hanno  
i scogli, il mare e i venti,
E tu non vedi
a che tua vita credi,
Ne stimi il lor' horrore e il lor' inganno,
Ma s'a te pur Signor rispett' havranno
Il mare, i scogli e i venti,
Non è ch'io non paventi,
Che'l cor fra scogli scoglio non diventi,
Non si cangi co i venti e non impare,
La crudeltà del mare.

English.png English translation

What will be my grief of the cruel departure, my lord,
if the mere thought of departing
makes me feel as if I’m dying?
You well know the customs how
the rocks, the sea and the winds
behaved and how far they can be trusted.
You think you owe your life to them,
but you do not see or judge their horror and their treacherousness.
But if even the rocks, the sea and the winds
respect you, my Lord, then
I cannot fail to fear
that the heart becomes a rock among the rocks
and follows the movements of the winds
and learns the cruelty of the sea.
(Translation: Franco Piperno)