Rudolf Mauersberger
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Born: 29 January 1889
Died: 22 February 1971
Rudolf Mauersberger was a German choir director and composer who was born on 29 January 1889 in Mauersberg of Marienberg (Saxony, Germany) and died on 22 February 1971 in Dresden. After positions in Aachen and Eisenach, he became director of the renowned Kreuzchor in Dresden in 1930, a position he held until his death. In May 1933, Mauersberger became a member of the NSDAP; There are strong indications though that he tried to minimize the influence of the NS-Ideology and in particular of the Hitler Jugend onto the choir. He refused to stage NS-songs with the choir, and continued to perform the works of banned composers such as Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Günter Raphael, at least as late as 1938.
Probably his most famous work is the hymn Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst (How lonely sits the city), written after the destruction of Dresden in February 1945. The text is taken from the Lamentations of Jeremiah, verses 1,; 2,15; 5,17.20-21. The work is often seen as a bemoaning of the destroyed city, but given the biblical context, it can also apply to the whole of Germany and her people, the destruction of the country being punishment for its iniquities.
- The above is an excerpt from Wikipedia. For the full article, click here.
List of choral works
Choral works
Mixed voices
- Tag und Ewigkeit, RMWV 1
- Weihnachtszyklus der Kruzianer
- Kleiner Dresdner Weihnachtszyklus
- Chorzyklus Dresden, RMWV 4
- Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst, RMWV 4 no. 1
- Erzgebirge, RMWV 5
- Der kleine Jahreskreis, RMWV 6
- Christvesper, RMWV 7
- Christmette
- Fangt euer Tagwerk fröhlich an
- Ostermette
- Dresdner Te Deum
- Passionsmusik nach dem Lukasevangelium
- Dresdner Requiem, RMWV 10
- Geistliche Sommermusik, RMWV 11
- Eine kleine Weihnachtskantate
- Motette vom Frieden
- Evangelische Messe
- Gesänge für die Kreuzkapelle zu Mauersberg
- Maiwärts
- Pfeifen
- Kritik des Herzens
- Habt Ruh und Frieden
- Drei Jahreszeitengedichte
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