Sweet heart arise (Thomas Weelkes)

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  • (Posted 2011-08-16)  CPDL #24160:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2011-08-16).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 81 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Based on #6986, with two errors corrected and minor changes to barring. Revised files uploaded 06/08/15. Includes a keyboard reduction of the a cappella choral score.
  • (Posted 2004-05-11)  CPDL #06986:         
Editor: Ken Williams (submitted 2004-05-11).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 128 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:
Error.gif Possible error(s) identified. See the discussion page for full description.

General Information

Title: Sweet Heart Arise
Composer: Thomas Weelkes

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Sweet heart arise, why do you sleep?
When lovers wanton sports do keep,
The Sun doth shine, the birds do sing
and May delight and joy doth bring.
Then join we hands and dance till night,
'Tis pity love should want his right.