Talk:Vattene pur, crudel (Torquato Tasso)

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Details of the corrections of the translations:
The phrase "co' serpi e con la face" is translated wrongly, it means "with serpents and the torch", these were attributes of the furies or Erinyes (see Wikipedia). I have replaced:

  • English: "with my claws and eyes" by "with serpents and the torch,"
  • French: "mes griffes et mes yeux te harcéleront" by "avec des serpents et la torche je te harcèlerai"
  • Spanish: "con las garras y con el haz" by "con las sierpes y con el hachón"
  • German: "mit den Fängen und dem Antlitz" by "mit Schlangen und Fackel,"

The German and Spanish translation didn’t recognize the congiuntivo "esca": I have replaced:

  • German: "Und wenn das dem Meer entsteigende Schicksal erlaubt, dass du den Klippen und den Wolken entweichest" by "Und wenn das Schicksal erlaubt, dass du dem Meer entsteigest, dass du den Klippen und den Wogen entweichest". In addition "Wolken" was simply wrong.
  • Spanish: "Y si el destino que sale del mar permite que esquives" by "Y si es destino que sales del mar, que esquives". I hope this is grammatically correct, too.

Armida doesn’t die, as is evident from the subsequent text, hence "tramortita" means "swooning". I have replaced:

  • French: "et elle défaillit mourante et se défit" by "et elle défaillit et se défit"
  • German: "Und sie fällt, vom Tode getroffen zergeht sie" by "Und ohnmächtig fällt sie nieder, sie zergeht"
  • Spanish: "y cae herida de muerte y se derrite" by "y cae desmayado y se derrite"

I also added "call" in "call by name" and replaced "qui ne put réussit" by "qui ne put réussir ".
Gerhard Weydt (talk) 20:35, 1 November 2021 (UTC)