Un jour Robin vint Margot empoigner (Clément Janequin)

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Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2024-09-02).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 94 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download. Modernized French text.

General Information

Title: Un jour Robin vint Margot empoigner
Composer: Clément Janequin
Lyricist: Clément Marot
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: ATTB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1540 in Livre 8: 19 chansons a 4 (Attaingnant), no. 8

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Original text and translations

French.png French text

Un iour Robin vint margot empoingner
et luy monstrant loustil de son ouvraige
Et sans parler la voulut besoingner
Mais Margot dist vous me feriez oultraige
Il est trop gros & long a lavantaige
Bien dist robin tout en vostre fendasse
Ie ny mectray a doncques il embrassa
Et seullement la moitye y transporte
Ha dist margot en faisant la grimasse
Boutez y tout aussy bien suis ie morte.

French.png French text

Un jour Robin vint Margot empoigner,
Et lui monstrant l'outil de son ouvrage,
Et sans parler la voulut besoigner.
Mais Margot dit: "Vous me feriez outrage;
Il est trop gros et long à l'avantage".
"Bien", dit Robin, "tout en votre fendasse
Je n'y mettrai", adoncques il embrassa,
Et seulement la moitié y transporte.
"Ha", dit Margot, en faisant la grimace,
"Boutez y tout; aussi bien suis-je morte".

English.png English translation

So one day Robin comes to grope Margot,
And he's shewing her the tool of his trade,
And he's wishing to bonk her, with no small talk.
But Margot says: "You'll do me an injury;
Its too big and too long for comfort".
"Fine", says Robin, "I'll not put it all
in your crack", and then he hugs her,
and offers up just half of it.
So Margot pulls a face, and she's like: "Ha!
Shove it all in; I'm as good as dead".

(Trans. Timmi O'Danaos & Donna Ferrentes)