- 1223. Had God foreknown it could not be (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
- 1224. Had not the Lord for Israel stood (1743b, 4×6, 888888)
- 1225. Had not the Lord reserved a seed (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1226. Hail all-redeeming Lord (1762b, 2×6, 667777)
- 1227. Hail, co-essential Three (1767c, 4×6, 667777)
- 1228. Hail Father, friend of human race (1746g, 1×6, 886886)
- 1229. Hail Father, Son, and Holy-Ghost (1763a, 8×4, CM)
- 1230. Hail Father, Son, and Spirit, great (1767b, 3×8, CMD)
- 1231. Hail great physician of mankind (1749a, 4×4, LM)
- 1232. Hail holy, holy, holy Lord (1746g, 2×8, CMD)
- 1233. Hail holy, holy, holy Lord (1749b, 6×8, CMD)
- 1234. Hail holy, holy, holy Lord (1767b, 3×8, CMD)
- 1235. Hail, holy martyrs, glorious names (1740c, 12×4, LM)
- 1236. Hail, Jesus, hail, our great high-priest (1746c, 6×6, 888888)
- 1237. Hail the day that sees him rise (1739a, 10×4, 7777)
- 1238. Hangs my new-born soul on thee (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1239. Happy beneath the vine I sit (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1240. Happy beyond description he (1763a, 2×6, 886886)
- 1241. Happy day of his returning (1767a, 4×6, 878777)
- 1242. Happy day of union sweet (1762a, 2×8, 76767876)
- 1243. Happy, for ever happy I (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1244. Happy, for ever happy they (1782b, 8×6, 876886)
- 1245. Happy forever happy I (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1246. Happy is the righteous man (1762a, 2×6, 776776)
- 1247. Happy, Lord, thy people are (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1248. Happy Magdalene, to whom (1746b, 7×8, 7777D)
- 1249. Happy man whom God doth aid (1763a, 3×8, 7777D)
- 1250. Happy might I the grace receive (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1251. Happy Samuel, to God (1763a, 5×8, 7777D)
- 1252. Happy soul, depart in peace (1744a, 6×4, 7777)
- 1253. Happy soul, enjoy thy gain (1749b, 8×8, 7676D)
- 1254. Happy soul enjoy thy lot (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1255. Happy soul from prison freed (1744a, 6×4, 7777)
- 1256. Happy soul, that safe from harms (1749b, 10×4, 7777)
- 1257. Happy soul, thy days are ended (1749b, 2×8, 8787D)
- 1258. Happy soul, thy days are ended (1770a, 4×4, 8787)
- 1259. Happy soul who sees the day (1742c, 12×4, 7777)
- 1260. Happy soul whom Jesus loves (1767a, 4×8, 7777D)
- 1261. Happy souls that Christ obey (1744c, 8×4, 7777)
- 1262. Happy state of widowhood (1749b, 6×4, 7777)
- 1263. Happy the follower of his Lord (1783a, 6×8, LMD)
- 1264. Happy the man, to whom ’tis given (1745b, 1×4, LM)
- 1265. Happy the man, who finds the grace (1747c, 9×4, LM)
- 1266. Happy the man, who Jesus knows (1763a, 6×4, LM)
- 1267. Happy the man, who poor and low (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1268. Happy the men who first partook (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
- 1269. Happy, the men who Jesus know (1762a, 4×6, 886886)
- 1270. Happy the saints of former days (1745b, 22×4, LM)
- 1271. Happy the soul, whom God delights (1744a, 7×6, 888888)
- 1272. Happy the souls that followed thee (1745b, 8×4, LM)
- 1273. Happy the souls to Jesus joined (1745b, 4×4, CM)
- 1274. Happy the souls who first believed (1743d, 14×4, LM)
- 1275. Happy the well-instructed youth (1763a, 5×4, LM)
- 1276. Happy they, who humbly dread (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1277. Happy we, who humbly prove (1762b, 6×6, 777777)
- 1278. Happy we who trust in Jesus (1749b, 4×8, 8787D)
- 1279. Happy who in Christ delight (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1280. Happy who in Jesus live (1746a, 3×8, 76767776)
- 1281. Hard it is, but not for thee (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1282. Hark! A voice divides the sky (1742c, 5×8, 7777D)
- 1283. Hark how all the welkin rings (1739a, 10×4, 7777)
- 1284. Hark, how the watchmen cry (1749b, 12×8, SMD)
- 1285. Hark! The sacred minstrel plays (1762a, 1×8, 7877D)
- 1286. Harmless in act, and word, and thought (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1287. Hast thou not heard my sad complaint? (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
- 1288. Hasten, Lord, the day of rest (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1289. Hasten, Lord, the promised day (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1290. Hasten that happiest gospel-day (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1291. Hasten the joyful day (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1292. Hated by fiends and men, who feel (1762a, 1×4, CM)
- 1293. Haters of God, who still blaspheme (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1294. Have I not found that pearl divine (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1295. Have I not often wished the same (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1296. Have I this hope thy face to see (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1297. Have mercy, Lord, for man hath none (1743b, 9×6, 886886)
- 1298. Have mercy, Lord, thy wrath remove (1742b, 9×4, LM)
- 1299. Have not we redemption found (1767a, 3×8, 76767876)
- 1300. Have we not securely played (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1301. Have we not then a power from thee (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1302. Have we suffered much for thee (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1303. He came from heaven to kindle fire (1762b, 1×4, CM)
- 1304. He comes! He comes! The judge severe (1758a, 4×4, LM)
- 1305. He comes! The heavenly Bridegroom, comes (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1306. He did: the King invisible (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1307. He dies, as now for us he dies (1745b, 4×6, 888888)
- 1308. He found me in a desert place (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1309. He hath been lifted up for me (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1310. He heals the broken heart (1762a, 1×6, 666688)
- 1311. He is our life, the Lord our God (1767b, 2×8, CMD)
- 1312. He laid his purple robes aside (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1313. He leaped the fatal ditch, where all (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1314. He mourns his frustrated intent (1762a, 1×4, CM)
- 1315. He saw the one great sacrifice (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1316. He that by faith in Jesus lives (1762a, 3×8, CMD)
- 1317. He that hath seen the Incarnate Son (1767b, 4×6, 888888)
- 1318. He thirsted, to redeem his foe (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1319. He turned their water into blood (1762a, 1×4, LM)
- 1320. He waits, that we from sin may turn (1762a, 4×6, 886886)
- 1321. He went, and touched Elisha’s bones (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1322. He will not with his purchase part (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1323. He wills, that I should holy be (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1324. He’s come, he’s come, in peace and power (1783a, 7×8, LMD)
- 1325. He’s gone! The spotless soul is gone (1759b, 4×6, 888888)
- 1326. Head of the church, appear, appear (1767a, 4×4, LM)
- 1327. Head of thy church, attend (1781a, 4×8, SMD)
- 1328. Head of thy church, for thee we look (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1329. Head of thy church triumphant (1745h, 4×10, 77447D)
- 1330. Head of thy church, whose Spirit fills (1749b, 8×4, LM)
- 1331. Head of thy patient church beneath (1749b, 7×6, 886886)
- 1332. Head of thy suffering church below (1744c, 10×4, LM)
- 1333. Head over all in earth and skies (1758a, 5×6, 888888)
- 1334. Hear all that will, the Spirit hear (1742c, 4×4, LM)
- 1335. Hear all the Savior's cry (1746d, 6×8, SMD)
- 1336. Hear, heaven and earth, your God’s appeal (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1337. Hear, holy, holy, holy, Lord (1739b, 36×4, CM)
- 1338. Hear, Holy Spirit, hear (1739a, 7×6, 667777)
- 1339. Hear Jesus, hear, the first and last (1742c, 9×4, LM)
- 1340. Hear, O Lord, the ceaseless prayer (1749b, 4×8, 76767776)
- 1341. Hear, O thou friend of human kind (1767a, 4×8, CMD)
- 1342. Hear, O thou strength of Israel, hear (1749b, 6×6, 888888)
- 1343. Hear this, thou prosperous wretched man (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1344. Hear this, who at a trifle strain (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1345. Hear ye dry bones, and feel (1762b, 2×8, SMD)
- 1346. Hearken to me, who seek the Lamb (1749a, 19×4, LM)
- 1347. Hearken to the solemn voice (1742c, 6×8, 76767776)
- 1348. Hearkening to their shepherd's voice (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1349. Hearts of stone, relent, relent (1745b, 3×6, 777777)
- 1350. Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord (1740c, 20×4, 7777)
- 1351. Heavenly principle within (1762a, 3×4, 7777)
- 1352. Help, eternal Spirit divine (1762a, 3×8, 76767876)
- 1353. Help, gracious Lord, my deep distress (1749a, 8×4, LM)
- 1354. Help, gracious Lord, the time is come (1749b, 7×6, 888888)
- 1355. Help, Jesus, help against my foe (1747c, 3×6, 876886)
- 1356. Help, Lord! The busy foe (1749a, 3×8, SMD)
- 1357. Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly (1749a, 5×6, 886886)
- 1358. Help me, Lord, on whom alone (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1359. Help me, Lord, to feed and keep (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1360. Help me, Savior, to hold fast (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1361. Help me to make the poor my friends (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1362. Help my loving Lord and Savior (1767a, 12×3, 866)
- 1363. Help, O help, my great Creator (1749a, 4×8, 8787D)
- 1364. Helper of our infirmity (1767b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1365. Helpless babe, who from the womb (1767a, 5×8, 7777D)
- 1366. Hence, lying world, with all thy care (1767a, 6×6, 886886)
- 1367. Hence ye profane! Far off remove (1762a, 3×8, LMD)
- 1368. Here in the depth of sweet distress (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1369. Here lies, who late a living emblem lay (1783a, 1×0, Irreg)
- 1370. Here on earth he bids us come (1762b, 1×6, 777777)
- 1371. Here rests in hope, beneath this humble clod (1750c, 1×8, 10101010D)
- 1372. Here then we calmly rest (1759a, 3×16, SMDD)
- 1373. Here then we calmly rest (1759c, 3×16, SMDD)
- 1374. Hide me from the wrath of God (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1375. Hide me in my Savior's grave (1762a, 2×6, 777777)
- 1376. High on thy heavenly throne (1762a, 3×6, 667777)
- 1377. Him dead and buried we confess (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1378. Him in whom all fullness dwells (1762b, 2×8, 7777D)
- 1379. Himself, and us, he cannot save (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1380. Himself he will not save, that we (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1381. Himself how shall a sinner know? (1762b, 1×4, CM)
- 1382. His anger will the Lord retain (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1383. His hands he washed not in her blood (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1384. His kingdom was the gift of God (1767b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1385. His life alas, I have not lived (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1386. His mercies in Jesus renewed (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1387. His mournful days of flesh are o’er (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1388. His Son whom all heaven's host obeyed (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
- 1389. His spiritual, believing seed (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1390. His strength in his obedience lay (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1391. Ho! Every one that thirsts, draw nigh (1740c, 31×4, LM)
- 1392. Holiness of Holinesses (1762b, 1×8, 8787D)
- 1393. Holy, and just, and gracious God (1742a, 22×4, LM)
- 1394. Holy and just, I fly to thee (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1395. Holy, and true, and righteous Lord (1741c, 23 of 28×4, LM)
- 1396. Holy, and true, who hast the key (1742c, 18×4, LM)
- 1397. Holy as thee, O Lord, is none (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1398. Holy child of heavenly birth (1763a, 6×4, 7777)
- 1399. Holy child of heavenly birth (1767a, 6×6, 777777)
- 1400. Holy child, our children take (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1401. Holy Ghost, apply thy word (1767b, 2×8, 76767876)
- 1402. Holy Ghost, by him bestowed (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1403. Holy Ghost, regard our prayers (1767b, 2×8, 76767876)
- 1404. Holy Ghost, remove the grief (1762b, 2×8, CMD)
- 1405. Holy Ghost, the power inspire (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
- 1406. Holy Ghost, we know thou art (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1407. Holy Ghost, with grace inspire (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1408. Holy, holy, holy Lord (1767c, 3×8, 7777D)
- 1409. Holy, holy, holy Lord (1767c, 6×8, 76767876)
- 1410. Holy is our God alone (1767b, 3×6, 777777)
- 1411. Holy Lamb, who thee confess (1767a, 8×4, 7777)
- 1412. Holy sanctifying Dove (1749b, 3×8, 7777D)
- 1413. Holy, thou knowest, I fain would be (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1414. Honor, and praise, O Christ, receive (1744c, 6×6, 888888)
- 1415. Honor the king, who God adore (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1416. Hope of thy church and Savior, hear (1762b, 6×6, 886886)
- 1417. Horrible lust of fame and power (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
- 1418. Horrible wish! Thy murderers dare (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1419. Hosanna in the highest (1745b, 3×10, 77447D)
- 1420. Hosanna to God (1746a, 8×8, 5651256511)
- 1421. Hosanna to him who ruleth on high (1763a, 3×4, 10101111)
- 1422. Hosanna to Jesus on high (1746a, 6×8, LMD)
- 1423. Hosanna to the Son (1762b, 1×6, 667777)
- 1424. Hosanna to the Son (1762b, 1×6, 667777)
- 1425. Hosanna to the Son (1763a, 4×6, 667777)
- 1426. How am I healed, if still again (1762b, 2×6, 886886)
- 1427. How are the mighty fallen (1762a, 2×10, 77557D)
- 1428. How backward is our flesh and blood (1762b, 3×8, LMD)
- 1429. How backward man himself to blame (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1430. How beautiful his feet appear (1742c, 9×4, LM)
- 1431. How blind the misconceiving crowd (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
- 1432. How can a sinner know (1749b, 8×8, 66668686)
- 1433. How can I doubt thy will (1762b, 1×6, 666688)
- 1434. How can I my own heart renew? (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1435. How can the brethren testify (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1436. How do thy mercies close me round (1740c, 10×4, LM)
- 1437. How does he take the lowest place (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1438. How dreadful is the mystery (1745b, 4×6, 886886)
- 1439. How dreadful is the sinner’s fate (1762b, 1×4, CM)
- 1440. How empty our external boast (1767c, 8×8, CMD)
- 1441. How empty then the former boast (1749b, 3×8, CMD)
- 1442. How fast the chains of nature bind (1767a, 7×8, CMD)
- 1443. How fond the self-deceiver’s hope (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1444. How foolish was my hope and vain (1772a, 8×8, CMD)
- 1445. How glorious is the life above (1745b, 4×4, LM)
- 1446. How good and pleasant 'tis to see (1767a, 4×6, 888888)
- 1447. How great thy beauty who can tell (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1448. How hapless are the lettered youth (1763a, 11×6, 886886)
- 1449. How happy are the little flock (1756b, 6×6, 886886)
- 1450. How happy are they (1749a, 16×6, 569569)
- 1451. How happy are they (1749a, 10×4, 55511)
- 1452. How happy are they (1767a, 4×8, 5661266611)
- 1453. How happy are thy servants, Lord (1745b, 4×4, CM)
- 1454. How happy are we (1744b, 6×8, 55556565)
- 1455. How happy are we (1767a, 8×6, 569669)
- 1456. How happy every child of grace (1759b, 8×8, CMD)
- 1457. How happy, gracious Lord, are we (1749b, 4×6, 886886)
- 1458. How happy is the man (1742b, 6×8, SMD)
- 1459. How happy is the pilgrim’s lot (1747c, 9×6, 886886)
- 1460. How happy, Lord, are we (1782b, 6×6, 667777)
- 1461. How happy, Lord, thy children are (1763a, 4×6, 886886)
- 1462. How happy the pair (1749b, 6×8, 55556565)
- 1463. How happy the people that dwell (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1464. How happy the sorrowful man (1762a, 4×8, LMD)
- 1465. How happy they, O King of kings (1741a, 6×4, CM)
- 1466. How happy we whom grace unites (1767a, 4×4, CM)
- 1467. How hath he loved us? How (1762b, 1×8, 66668686)
- 1468. How highly favored then are we (1763a, 7×6, 886886)
- 1469. How ignorant the human mind (1763a, 4×6, 886886)
- 1470. How in the slippery paths of youth (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1471. How justly, Lord, dost thou complain (1762a, 2×6, 886886)
- 1472. How kindly, Lord, dost thou lament (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1473. How long, O Lord, shall we (1745b, 4×6, 667777)
- 1474. How long shall I languish and moan (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1475. How long, thou faithful God shall I (1745b, 7×4, LM)
- 1476. How long, thou hidden God unknown (1749a, 5×6, 888888)
- 1477. How long thou suffering Son of God (1749b, 7×6, 888888)
- 1478. How long, thou weapon of the Lord (1759c, 8×6, 886886)
- 1479. How long, to thee, O God, shall I (1782b, 10×6, 886886)
- 1480. How long wilt thou forget me, Lord (1743a, 11×4, LM)
- 1481. How loud the blood of Abel cries (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1482. How madly rash for puny man (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1483. How may we resemble God (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
- 1484. How mean the gifts which earthly kings (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1485. How, O thou sovereign Lord of hosts (1758a, 8×6, 888888)
- 1486. How oft have I, like Pharaoh, proved (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1487. How oft shall I beseech thee, Lord (1749a, 16×4, CM)
- 1488. How often have I blindly done (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1489. How often, Lord, hath trouble brought (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
- 1490. How often, Lord, have I believed (1762b, 4×8, CMD)
- 1491. How often who can tell (1762b, 1×8, 6666D)
- 1492. How pleasant a thing (1762a, 1×6, 569569)
- 1493. How ready is the man to go (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1494. How richly is the table stored (1745b, 4×4, LM)
- 1495. How sad our state by nature is (1763a, 6×4, CM)
- 1496. How safe the man in Jesus found (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1497. How safe, when God hath sealed (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
- 1498. How shall a lost sinner in pain (1749a, 4×8, LMD)
- 1499. How shall a sinner come to God (1744d, 17×6, 886886)
- 1500. How shall a slave released (1749b, 8×8, 66668686)
- 1501. How shall a young unstable man (1767a, 3×8, CMD)
- 1502. How shall I give thee up (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1503. How shall I lift my guilty eyes (1740c, 5×6, 888888)
- 1504. How shall I that love attain (1762b, 2×6, 777777)
- 1505. How shall I walk my God to please (1767a, 7×6, 886886)
- 1506. How shall we do the thing enjoined (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1507. How shall we offer to the skies (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1508. How shall we stand the hosts of Rome (1762a, 1×4, LM)
- 1509. How should we place to Satan give (1762a, 2×8, CMD)
- 1510. How small the gift it matters not (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1511. How soon the fruits of sin appear (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
- 1512. How then shall sinners meet the Lord (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1513. How truly blest (1749a, 13×5, 44676)
- 1514. How unlike the person now (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
- 1515. How vain, great God, and worse than vain (1750b, 10×6, 886886)
- 1516. How weak the thoughts and vain (1750b, 10×6, 667777)
- 1517. How welcome to our fallen race (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1518. How went he to his grave in peace (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1519. How wisely, Savior, doth thy love (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1520. How wretched are the boys at school (1763a, 8×4, CM)
- 1521. Howe’er in humble words we all (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1522. Howe’er the Nicolaitans claim (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1523. Howe’er the softening art of man (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1524. Howe’er thou mayest to-morrow deal (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1525. Humbly I do enquire of thee (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1526. I am the man, who long have known (1740c, 20×4, LM)
- 1527. I and my house will serve the Lord (1767a, 6×6, 886886)
- 1528. I ask no more, how can it be (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1529. I bow me to my God’s decree (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1530. I call the world’s Redeemer mine (1762a, 4×6, 888888)
- 1531. I cannot doubt thy love for me (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1532. I cannot, Lord, in judgment stand (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1533. I cannot lose what is not mine (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1534. I cannot speak a word, or do (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1535. I cannot wash my heart (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1536. I come, at Jesus’ call I come (1772a, 4×6, 888888)
- 1537. I come, but tremble to draw near (1772a, 6×6, 886886)
- 1538. I come, O God, to do thy will (1749a, 16×4, CM)
- 1539. I do believe thou canst, thou wilt (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1540. I do consider thee (1762b, 1×8, 6666D)
- 1541. I do with all my soul believe (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1542. I, even I am he that cheer (1749a, 9×4, LM)
- 1543. I felt my heart, and found a chillness cool (1741a, 3×8, 101010104101010)
- 1544. I follow on to know (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1545. I found him—crucified for me (1762a, 1×4, LM)
- 1546. I have need of a physician (1762b, 1×8, 8787D)
- 1547. I have oft victorious been (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1548. I hear, the rod I hear (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1549. I hold him with a trembling hand (1762a, 1×4, CM)
- 1550. I, I am the man that have known (1749b, 6×8, LMD)
- 1551. I know, and feel it cannot be (1772a, 6×6, 886886)
- 1552. I know in whom I have believed (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1553. I know it: by thy hands and feet (1762a, 1×4, CM)
- 1554. I know myself the same (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
- 1555. I know that my Redeemer lives (1742c, 4×4, LM)
- 1556. I know that my Redeemer lives (1742c, 23×4, CM)
- 1557. I long to behold him arrayed (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
- 1558. I may abide it—I (1762a, 1×6, 667777)
- 1559. I nothing else require (1762a, 1×8, 6666D)
- 1560. I now reflect with grief and shame (1762a, 2×6, 886886)
- 1561. I saw, and coveted, and took! (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1562. I saw the earth by sin destroyed (1756b, 6×4, LM)
- 1563. I saw the Lord in light arrayed (1744a, 30×4, LM)
- 1564. I see the exceeding broad command (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1565. I seek the kingdom first (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1566. I seek to touch my powerful Lord (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1567. I shall, when he who saith I shall (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1568. I shall, when thou bestowest the power (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1569. I take thee at thy word (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1570. I thank thee, Lord of earth and heaven (1749a, 5×6, 886886)
- 1571. I the good fight have fought (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1572. I thirst for a life-giving God (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1573. I too, forewarned by Jesus’s love (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1574. I too have done the same (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1575. I too have done the same (1762b, 1×8, 66667688)
- 1576. I too have left my worldly home (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1577. I too have sinned against the Lord (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
- 1578. I too the broad command have seen (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1579. I too will magnify the Lord (1742b, 18×4, LM)
- 1580. I trust in thee; for what (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
- 1581. I trust thy promise, Lord, to break (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1582. I wait a few sorrowful years (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1583. I want a principle within (1749b, 2 of 5×8, CMD)
- 1584. I want that better than the best (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1585. I want that unreflecting love (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1586. I want that wisdom from above (1762b, 3×8, LMD)
- 1587. I want the true divinity (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1588. I want the weeping prophet’s heart (1762b, 5×6, 886886)
- 1589. I want the witness, Lord (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1590. I went out full of youthful hope (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1591. I will abide in thee, my Lord (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1592. I will hearken what my Lord (1742c, 6×8, 76767776)
- 1593. I will, through grace I will (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1594. I will with other children bless (1762a, 4×6, 888888)
- 1595. I would, and ye would not (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
- 1596. I would be pure, complete, entire (1762b, 5×6, 888888)
- 1597. I would believe that thou art he (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
- 1598. Idle boys and men are found (1763a, 10×4, 7777)
- 1599. Idols may triumph for an hour (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1600. If a fond credulous fool thou art (1762a, 1×4, LM)
- 1601. If but one Christian soul appear (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1602. If children may the scripture know (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1603. If death my friend and me divide (1762b, 3×6, 886886)
- 1604. If faith in our dear dying Lord (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1605. If for a world a soul be lost (1762b, 1×4, CM)
- 1606. If God to one of all our race (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
- 1607. If grace doth more than sin abound (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1608. If grafted into thee the vine (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1609. If in David’s steps we tread (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1610. If Jesus doth reign, and saves us from sin (1762b, 3×4, 10101111)
- 1611. If mercies without end could move (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1612. If mine were right, it could not be (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
- 1613. If now thou dost thy work revive (1758a, 6×6, 888888)
- 1614. If now thou dwellest in my heart (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1615. If of the truth a proof ye seek (1767b, 1×4, LM)
- 1616. If others the commandment slight (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1617. If punished after my desert (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
- 1618. If subject to another’s will (1767b, 2×8, CMD)
- 1619. If, taught of him, I understand (1762b, 3×6, 886886)
- 1620. If thou command it, Lord, we may (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1621. If thou dost thy gospel bless (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
- 1622. If thou require my soul this night (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1623. If thou the power of asking give (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1624. If thou thy healing power exert (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1625. If willful sin hath blinded me (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1626. If with my all I cannot part (1762b, 1×4, LM)
- 1627. Immortal King of kings (1745e, 4×8, SMD)
- 1628. Immortal King, with pity see (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1629. Immortal Potentate (1744c, 5×6, 667777)
- 1630. Impatient of a Father’s rod (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1631. In an accepted time of love (1745b, 3×6, 888888)
- 1632. In anxious agony of doubt (1772a, 4×6, 888888)
- 1633. In early prayer who seek his love (1762a, 1×4, LM)
- 1634. In every fiery hour (1762b, 1×6, 667777)
- 1635. In every sacred exercise (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1636. In heavenly majesty and grace (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1637. In hope of perfect liberty (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
- 1638. In Jesus we live, in Jesus we rest (1745b, 4×4, 10101111)
- 1639. In Jesus’s name on sinners I call (1749a, 4×4, 10101111)
- 1640. In loudest songs thy joy declare (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1641. In majesty One (1767c, 2×8, 55556565)
- 1642. In mercy infinite (1772a, 4×6, 666688)
- 1643. In Moses’s song the Lamb we proclaim (1762a, 2×4, 10101111)
- 1644. In our most precarious state (1756b, 7×6, 777777)
- 1645. In presence of thy heavenly Lord (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1646. In proof that she indeed believed (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1647. In pure obedience to thy will (1762b, 1×4, CM)
- 1648. In sure and steadfast hope to rise (1749a, 4×4, LM)
- 1649. In tears who sowed, in joy we reap (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
- 1650. In tenderest pity to thine own (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1651. In that day, Jehovah saith (1767b, 4×8, 76767876)
- 1652. In that millennial church below (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
- 1653. In that sad memorable night (1745b, 5×6, 888888)
- 1654. In the discriminating day (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1655. In this expressive bread I see (1745b, 5×6, 886886)
- 1656. In thy state of exaltation (1762b, 1×8, 8787D)
- 1657. In trouble I seek thee, O God (1749a, 4×8, LMD)
- 1658. In unbelief imprisoned fast (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1659. In vain are children taught to pray (1763a, 4×4, CM)
- 1660. In vain doth earthly bliss afford (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1661. In vain doth the assassin dark (1780b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1662. In vain thou sayest in words alone (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1663. In vain we offer sacrifice (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1664. In vain with angry hearts we dare (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1665. In vain, ye fearful, faithless spies (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1666. In vain your longest prayers ye say (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
- 1667. In weariness and pain (1749a, 4×8, SMD)
- 1668. In weariness confirmed repose (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1669. Indeed thou hast thy servant heard (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
- 1670. Infinite God, to thee we raise (1747c, 14×6, 888888)
- 1671. Inspire me, Savior, with that power (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1672. Inspirer of the ancient seers (1762b, 6×6, 888888)
- 1673. Instruments of our salvation (1762b, 1×8, 8787D)
- 1674. Is God’s peculiar people mine (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1675. Is it a moral sense in man (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1676. Is it a thing so small (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
- 1677. Is it, great God, to honor thee (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1678. Is it not the shepherd’s voice (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
- 1679. Is it not thy blessing, Lord (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1680. Is not the cup of blessing, blest (1745b, 5×4, LM)
- 1681. Is that cursed root in me (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1682. Is there a saint who doth not need (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1683. Is there a soul thou dost not call (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
- 1684. Is there then a power in man (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
- 1685. Is this the guilty nation, Lord (1759c, 7×8, CMD)
- 1686. Is this the man to God so dear (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1687. Isaac by faith declared his race (1740b, 5×4, LM)
- 1688. Israel before their foes are fled (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
- 1689. Israel, exult to prove (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
- 1690. Israel the Father calls his son (1767b, 2×6, 888888)
- 1691. Israel’s, Judah’s tribes command (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
- 1692. Israel’s Lord and God supreme (1767b, 2×8, 76767876)
- 1693. It hath for me sufficient been (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1694. It is the Lord, who doth not grieve (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
- 1695. It must be so; thou sayest it must (1749b, 8×6, 888888)