Charles Wesley Hymns, J – L

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This is the fourth page of hymns of Charles Wesley in alphabetical order. First lines are sorted with punctuation (,.;:!?) removed. In parenthesis are: Publication code, Number of stanzas × Number of lines in each stanza, Meter in very short form. A list of all pages can be found here.

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Charles Wesley Hymns, J – L

  • 1696. Jacob then was free from blame (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1697. Jehovah by himself hath sworn (1767b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 1698. Jehovah-El, I thee adore (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1699. Jehovah for his servants cares (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1700. Jehovah from Jehovah pours (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1701. Jehovah from Jehovah sent (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1702. Jehovah God and Lord (1767b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 1703. Jehovah, God the Father, bless (1767b, 4×8, CMD)
  • 1704. Jehovah is but One (1767b, 2×6, 666688)
  • 1705. Jehovah the Almighty Lord (1767b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 1706. Jehovah the Lord (1767b, 3×8, 55556565)
  • 1707. Jehovah, the true God most high (1767b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1708. Jehovah to his temple came (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1709. Jehovah’s Spirit of purest love (1767b, 4×8, CMD)
  • 1710. Jesu, hear! In bitterness (1741b, 15×8, 76767776)
  • 1711. Jesu help! Thou sinner’s friend (1749a, 8×8, 76767876)
  • 1712. Jesu, my hope, my help, my power (1742a, 13×4, CM)
  • 1713. Jesu on thee we feed (1745b, 6×6, 666688)
  • 1714. Jesu regard the plaintive cry (1745b, 6×6, 888888)
  • 1715. Jesu, sin-atoning Lamb (1744c, 6×8, 76767876)
  • 1716. Jesu, thy waiting servants see (1760a, 7×6, 888888)
  • 1717. Jesu, thy weak disciples see (1744c, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1718. Jesus, accept the grateful song (1749a, 22×4, CM)
  • 1719. Jesus, accept the praise (1747c, 8×6, 666688)
  • 1720. Jesus, all power is given to thee (1742b, 8×4, CM)
  • 1721. Jesus, angel of the Lord (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1722. Jesus, as in the ancient days (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1723. Jesus, as taught by thee I plead (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1724. Jesus, as taught by thee, I pray (1747c, 5×6, 888888)
  • 1725. Jesus, at thy command I go (1762b, 4×6, 886886)
  • 1726. Jesus, at whose supreme command (1742b, 8×4, CM)
  • 1727. Jesus, beneath the sense I groan (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1728. Jesus, bestow the power (1749b, 6×8, SMD)
  • 1729. Jesus, bid our hearts be still (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1730. Jesus, bid the chains be broke (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1731. Jesus, by highest heavens adored (1749a, 6×4, CM)
  • 1732. Jesus, by our prayers invited (1767a, 4×6, 878777)
  • 1733. Jesus, by thine almighty hands (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1734. Jesus, by whom redeemed I live (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1735. Jesus, cast a pitying eye (1749b, 4×8, 7777D)
  • 1736. Jesus, come, my hope of glory (1749b, 9×3, 866)
  • 1737. Jesus, come, my soul’s physician (1762b, 1×8, 8336D)
  • 1738. Jesus, come! Our utmost Jesus (1746a, 3×8, 8787D)
  • 1739. Jesus, come! The mortal sentence (1772a, 8×3, 866)
  • 1740. Jesus, come, the world’s desire (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1741. Jesus comes with all his grace (1749b, 11×4, 7777)
  • 1742. Jesus, dear Almighty Lord (1762a, 3×8, 7777D)
  • 1743. Jesus, dear departed Lord (1746d, 8×4, 7777)
  • 1744. Jesus, dear departing Lord (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1745. Jesus, dear, redeeming Lord (1745b, 4×6, 777777)
  • 1746. Jesus, descended from the sky (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 1747. Jesus, did they crucify (1745b, 4×4, 7777)
  • 1748. Jesus, directed by thy word (1762b, 1×4, LM)
  • 1749. Jesus, display thy presence here (1767a, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1750. Jesus, display thy sovereign skill (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1751. Jesus, extend thine hand of grace (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1752. Jesus, faithful to his word (1742c, 4 of 6×8, 76767776)
  • 1753. Jesus, fix thy kingdom here (1762b, 2×8, 76767776)
  • 1754. Jesus, friend of sinners, hear (1742b, 6×8, 76767876)
  • 1755. Jesus from, not in, our sins (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1756. Jesus, from thy holy place (1762a, 2×8, 76767876)
  • 1757. Jesus, from whom all blessings flow (1743d, 16×4, LM)
  • 1758. Jesus, from whom dominion springs (1781c, 7×6, 886886)
  • 1759. Jesus, fulfil the gospel-word (1742c, 16×4, LM)
  • 1760. Jesus, full of grace for me (1749b, 4×8, 7777D)
  • 1761. Jesus, full of pity see (1767a, 3×8, 7777D)
  • 1762. Jesus, full of truth and grace (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1763. Jesus, full of truth and grace (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1764. Jesus, gentle, loving Lamb (1742b, 8×4, 7777)
  • 1765. Jesus, giver of contrition (1762a, 1×8, 8787D)
  • 1766. Jesus, go not far from me (1749a, 5×8, 76767876)
  • 1767. Jesus, God of my salvation (1749a, 3×8, 8787D)
  • 1768. Jesus! God of our salvation (1741a, 25×4, 8336)
  • 1769. Jesus, God of our salvation (1749b, 3×8, 8787D)
  • 1770. Jesus, God of peace and love (1746d, 4×4, 7777)
  • 1771. Jesus, great healer of mankind (1749a, 8×4, CM)
  • 1772. Jesus, great Redeemer, hear (1742b, 6×8, 7676D)
  • 1773. Jesus, great shepherd of the sheep (1749a, 7×4, CM)
  • 1774. Jesus, guard thy gathered sheep (1749b, 5×8, 7777D)
  • 1775. Jesus, hail! Thy grace appearing (1762a, 1×8, 8787D)
  • 1776. Jesus hath bought us with his blood (1767b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1777. Jesus, hear a sinner’s prayer (1742b, 12×3, 866)
  • 1778. Jesus, help! No longer tarry (1767a, 4×6, 878787)
  • 1779. Jesus, help thy fallen creature (1749b, 4×8, 8787D)
  • 1780. Jesus his own disciples chide (1763a, 4×4, CM)
  • 1781. Jesus, how great thy servants are (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1782. Jesus, I at thy throne appear (1767a, 4×8, LMD)
  • 1783. Jesus, I believe in thee (1762b, 1×9, 777777888)
  • 1784. Jesus, I believe thee near (1749a, 6×6, 777777)
  • 1785. Jesus, I believe thee near (1762a, 3×6, 777777)
  • 1786. Jesus, I belong to thee (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1787. Jesus, I call thee by the name (1749a, 16×4, LM)
  • 1788. Jesus, I cast my soul on thee (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1789. Jesus, I fain would find (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 1790. Jesus, I from thee receive (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1791. Jesus, I in thy promise trust (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1792. Jesus, I look to thee (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 1793. Jesus, I to thy temple go (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1794. Jesus, I wait the Spirit’s power (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1795. Jesus, if from thee I find (1749b, 5×8, 76767876)
  • 1796. Jesus, if mine thou art (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 1797. Jesus, if our faith be true (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1798. Jesus, if still the same thou art (1740c, 6×6, 888888)
  • 1799. Jesus, if still thou art to day (1740c, 21×4, CM)
  • 1800. Jesus, if thou thy servant guard (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1801. Jesus, in thine all-saving name (1749b, 13×8, CMD)
  • 1802. Jesus, in this hour be near (1749b, 6×4, 7777)
  • 1803. Jesus, in thy great name I go (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1804. Jesus, in whom the Godhead’s rays (1740c, 6×4, LM)
  • 1805. Jesus, in whom the weary find (1740c, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1806. Jesus, in whose name I trust (1787a, 6×4, 7777)
  • 1807. Jesus, inspire the watchful power (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1808. Jesus, Jehovah, God (1767b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 1809. Jesus, kind, inviting Lord (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1810. Jesus, let all thy lovers shine (1762a, 3×8, CMD)
  • 1811. Jesus, let the gospel-word (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1812. Jesus, let thy pitying eye (1749a, 12×8, 76767876)
  • 1813. Jesus, life-inspiring Savior (1746h, 2×8, 8787D)
  • 1814. Jesus, Lord, assume thy right (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1815. Jesus, Lord, in pity hear us (1746d, 6×3, 866)
  • 1816. Jesus, Lord, our hearts inspire (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 1817. Jesus, Lord, to thee I look (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1818. Jesus, Lord, we look to thee (1749a, 6×4, 7777)
  • 1819. Jesus, Lord, whose only merit (1749b, 4×8, 8787D)
  • 1820. Jesus, lover of my soul (1740c, 5×8, 7777D)
  • 1821. Jesus, mighty to convert (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1822. Jesus my Advocate hath been (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1823. Jesus, my balm for every ill (1762a, 1×4, CM)
  • 1824. Jesus, my faith increase (1762a, 1×6, 666688)
  • 1825. Jesus, my faithful guide (1767a, 4×8, SMD)
  • 1826. Jesus, my God and King (1739a, 11×6, 667777)
  • 1827. Jesus, my good and faithful Lord (1749b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1828. Jesus! My great high-priest above (1739a, 5×8, LMD)
  • 1829. Jesus, my hope in life, and death (1749a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1830. Jesus, my hope, my joy, my rest (1749b, 5×6, 886886)
  • 1831. Jesus, my hope of heavenly rest (1780a, 6×4, LM)
  • 1832. Jesus, my Jesus, hear (1742a, 6×8, SMD)
  • 1833. Jesus, my King, to thee I bow (1742c, 19×4, LM)
  • 1834. Jesus! My life, thyself apply (1740c, 6×4, CM)
  • 1835. Jesus, my Lord and God bestow (1745b, 2×6, 886886)
  • 1836. Jesus, my Lord, attend (1747c, 4×8, SMD)
  • 1837. Jesus, my Lord, I cry to thee (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1838. Jesus, my Lord, my God (1767b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 1839. Jesus my love, my life, my peace (1762a, 1×6, 888887)
  • 1840. Jesus, my Master, and my Lord (1749b, 4×8, CMD)
  • 1841. Jesus, my Master in the sky (1767a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1842. Jesus, my Savior and my Prince (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1843. Jesus, my Savior, brother, friend (1742c, 15×4, LM)
  • 1844. Jesus, my strength and hope (1745b, 4×6, 666688)
  • 1845. Jesus, my strength and righteousness (1747c, 9×8, CMD)
  • 1846. Jesus, my strength, my hope (1742c, 7×8, SMD)
  • 1847. Jesus, my strength, my peace (1749b, 6×6, 667777)
  • 1848. Jesus, my trust is in thy word (1742c, 12×4, CM)
  • 1849. Jesus, my truth, my way (1749a, 7×8, SMD)
  • 1850. Jesus, my vehement spirit pants (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1851. Jesus, now on sin we tread (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1852. Jesus obtained us the reprieve (1762a, 1×4, LM)
  • 1853. Jesus of Nazareth, look down (1749b, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1854. Jesus, omnipotent to save (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1855. Jesus, omnipotent to save (1767a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1856. Jesus, on me the want bestow (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1857. Jesus on the celestial hill (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1858. Jesus, on thee our souls are stayed (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1859. Jesus, our exalted head (1746d, 4×8, 76767776)
  • 1860. Jesus, our help in time of need (1744c, 10×4, CM)
  • 1861. Jesus our refuge in distress (1767a, 5×8, CMD)
  • 1862. Jesus our righteousness (1767b, 2×6, 667777)
  • 1863. Jesus, our sure support thou art (1759b, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1864. Jesus, our true and faithful Lord (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1865. Jesus our true and faithful Lord (1780a, 14×4, LM)
  • 1866. Jesus, out of our hearts remove (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1867. Jesus, plant thy Spirit in me (1762b, 4×4, 7777)
  • 1868. Jesus, prepare thy meanest guest (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1869. Jesus, quickening Spirit, come (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1870. Jesus, rebuke my fiery zeal (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1871. Jesus, Redeemer of mankind (1742c, 14×4, CM)
  • 1872. Jesus, shall I never be (1742c, 20×4, 7777)
  • 1873. Jesus shall still his people save (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1874. Jesus, shepherd of the sheep (1749a, 6×6, 777777)
  • 1875. Jesus, shew us thy salvation (1746b, 9×8, 8787D)
  • 1876. Jesus, sin-atoning Lamb (1742b, 7×8, 7777D)
  • 1877. Jesus, sinner’s friend, receive us (1745b, 2×8, 8787D)
  • 1878. Jesus, soft harmonious name (1749b, 4×8, 7777D)
  • 1879. Jesus, Son of David, hear (1763a, 3×8, 7777D)
  • 1880. Jesus, Son of God draw near (1745b, 3×4, 7777)
  • 1881. Jesus, Son of God, thou art (1762a, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 1882. Jesus, Son of Mary, hear (1767a, 4×8, 76767876)
  • 1883. Jesus, speak the word to me (1762b, 1×6, 777777)
  • 1884. Jesus, succeed our ministry (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1885. Jesus, suffering deity (1745b, 4×4, 7777)
  • 1886. Jesus, supreme in majesty (1781c, 4×8, LMD)
  • 1887. Jesus, take all the glory (1747c, 2×10, 77557D)
  • 1888. Jesus, take my sins away (1742b, 11×8, 76767876)
  • 1889. Jesus, taught by thee we know (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1890. Jesus, the all-atoning Lamb (1740c, 6×4, CM)
  • 1891. Jesus the all restoring Word (1740c, 6×4, CM)
  • 1892. Jesus, the cause belongs to thee (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1893. Jesus, the church is our strong-hold (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1894. Jesus the Conqueror reigns (1749a, 16×8, SMD)
  • 1895. Jesus, the crowning grace impart (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1896. Jesus, the fame of thy great name (1767a, 12×8, CMD)
  • 1897. Jesus, the first and last (1762b, 2×6, 666666)
  • 1898. Jesus, the gift divine I know (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1899. Jesus, the glory take (1744c, 6×8, SMD)
  • 1900. Jesus, the grace re-give (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 1901. Jesus, the growing work is thine (1749b, 7×6, 888888)
  • 1902. Jesus the irrevocable word (1762b, 4×8, CMD)
  • 1903. Jesus, the just, the good (1772a, 3×8, SMD)
  • 1904. Jesus, the life, the truth, the way (1742c, 12×4, CM)
  • 1905. Jesus the Lord hath set us free (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1906. Jesus, the Lord most high (1767a, 3×8, SMD)
  • 1907. Jesus, the man’s defender be (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1908. Jesus, the merciful and true (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1909. Jesus, the power belongs to thee (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1910. Jesus, the power belongs to thee (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1911. Jesus, the promise made by thee (1785a, 4×6, 886886)
  • 1912. Jesus, the promised grace we claim (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1913. Jesus, the promised strength supply (1749a, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1914. Jesus the righteous judge shall come (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1915. Jesus, the rising Lord of all (1746b, 6×4, CM)
  • 1916. Jesus, the sinner’s friend, to thee (1739a, 13×4, LM)
  • 1917. Jesus, the sinner’s hiding place (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1918. Jesus, the Son of God, in thee (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1919. Jesus, the strength of all that faint (1739a, 4×4, LM)
  • 1920. Jesus, the strength of all that faint (1739c, 4×4, LM)
  • 1921. Jesus, the true Jehovah hear (1767b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 1922. Jesus, the truth, and power divine (1749a, 4×4, LM)
  • 1923. Jesus, the truth, the way (1742c, 16×6, 666688)
  • 1924. Jesus, the truth we own (1767b, 2×6, 667777)
  • 1925. Jesus, the virtue of thy name (1767a, 4×4, LM)
  • 1926. Jesus, the wise discerning mind (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1927. Jesus, the woman’s conquering seed (1767a, 3×8, LMD)
  • 1928. Jesus, the wonders of thy name (1762a, 3×6, 886886)
  • 1929. Jesus, the word, by which alone (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1930. Jesus, the word of mercy give (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 1931. Jesus, thee in faith we claim (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1932. Jesus, thine all victorious love (1740c, 4 of 12×4, CM)
  • 1933. Jesus thine anointed one (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 1934. Jesus, thine efficacious word (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1935. Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord (1749a, 11×6, 886886)
  • 1936. Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord (1749a, 18×4, CM)
  • 1937. Jesus, thou art a tree (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 1938. Jesus, thou art my Lord, my God (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1939. Jesus, thou art my righteousness (1740c, 6×4, CM)
  • 1940. Jesus, thou art our King (1739a, 4×6, 667777)
  • 1941. Jesus, thou art that Morning-Star (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1942. Jesus, thou art the mighty God (1767b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1943. Jesus, thou dear redeeming Lord (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1944. Jesus, thou dost not sue in vain (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1945. Jesus, thou hast bid us pray (1742c, 10×8, 76767876)
  • 1946. Jesus, thou hast spoke the word (1762a, 3×8, 76767876)
  • 1947. Jesus, thou hast to hoary hairs (1772a, 8×6, 888888)
  • 1948. Jesus, thou hearest thine Israel groan (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1949. Jesus, thou knowest my simpleness (1742b, 12×6, 888888)
  • 1950. Jesus, thou knowest what is in man (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1951. Jesus, thou sayest I shall receive (1762b, 4×8, CMD)
  • 1952. Jesus, thou seest my troubled breast (1762a, 2×6, 886886)
  • 1953. Jesus, thou Son of Mary (1767a, 2×8, 7676D)
  • 1954. Jesus, thou soul of all our joys (1749b, 8×6, 886886)
  • 1955. Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of all (1749b, 10×6, 888888)
  • 1956. Jesus, thou strength of all that turn (1749b, 18×4, CM)
  • 1957. Jesus, thou that Noah art (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1958. Jesus, throughout my threescore years (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1959. Jesus, thy bleeding love (1762b, 5×6, 667777)
  • 1960. Jesus, thy blood hath purged my sin (1762b, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1961. Jesus thy coming we confess (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 1962. Jesus, thy far-extended fame (1749a, 12×4, LM)
  • 1963. Jesus, thy flaming eyes (1782b, 6×8, SMD)
  • 1964. Jesus thy hated servant own (1779c, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1965. Jesus, thy legacy I take (1749b, 5×6, 888888)
  • 1966. Jesus, thy loving Spirit alone (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1967. Jesus, thy name my Bezer stands (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 1968. Jesus, thy name we bless (1762b, 1×6, 667777)
  • 1969. Jesus, thy people’s hearts inflame (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 1970. Jesus, thy perfect love reveal (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1971. Jesus, thy precious love I need (1762a, 2×6, 886886)
  • 1972. Jesus, thy precious passion (1767c, 4×8, 7676D)
  • 1973. Jesus, thy promised Spirit supply (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 1974. Jesus, thy record I receive (1749b, 8×6, 888888)
  • 1975. Jesus, thy salvation bring (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1976. Jesus, thy saving name I bless (1749a, 4×6, 886886)
  • 1977. Jesus, thy sovereign name I bless (1749a, 7×6, 886886)
  • 1978. Jesus, thy sovereign will (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 1979. Jesus, thy Spirit’s power exert (1762b, 1×4, LM)
  • 1980. Jesus, thy wandering sheep behold (1742c, 11×4, LM)
  • 1981. Jesus, thy weakest servants bless (1745b, 2×6, 886886)
  • 1982. Jesus, thy word for ever lives (1749a, 8×6, 886886)
  • 1983. Jesus, thy word is past! The grace (1742a, 12×6, 888888)
  • 1984. Jesus, thy word we dare believe (1746d, 14×4, LM)
  • 1985. Jesus, thy work begin (1762a, 1×8, 6666D)
  • 1986. Jesus, thyself impart (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 1987. Jesus, to me the grace impart (1762a, 1×4, CM)
  • 1988. Jesus, to me the joy impart (1762b, 2×6, 886886)
  • 1989. Jesus, to me vouchsafe the grace (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 1990. Jesus, to my heart explain (1762a, 4×4, 7777)
  • 1991. Jesus, to thee distrest I cry (1772a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 1992. Jesus, to thee for help we call (1745b, 4×6, 888888)
  • 1993. Jesus, to thee in faith we look (1745b, 4×4, LM)
  • 1994. Jesus, to thee our hearts we lift (1749b, 6×6, 888888)
  • 1995. Jesus, to thee we fly (1746c, 6×6, 667777)
  • 1996. Jesus, to thy preserving care (1749b, 10×4, LM)
  • 1997. Jesus, to thy wounds I fly (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 1998. Jesus, to whom alone we live (1746h, 3×6, 876886)
  • 1999. Jesus, to whose omniscient mind (1772a, 4×8, LMD)
  • 2000. Jesus, united by thy fear (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2001. Jesus, united by thy grace (1742b, 9×4, CM)
  • 2002. Jesus, was ever love like thine (1749a, 10×4, LM)
  • 2003. Jesus, was ever love like thine (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2004. Jesus, we ask thy promised aid (1767a, 7×6, 886886)
  • 2005. Jesus we cast ourselves on thee (1763a, 4×4, CM)
  • 2006. Jesus, we claim thee for our own (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2007. Jesus, we dare believe on thee (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2008. Jesus, we follow thee (1745b, 3×8, SMD)
  • 2009. Jesus, we hang upon the word (1746d, 5×6, 888888)
  • 2010. Jesus, we have long expected (1762a, 2×8, 8787D)
  • 2011. Jesus, we know that thou hast died (1745b, 4×4, CM)
  • 2012. Jesus, we long to know thy name (1746c, 6×6, 886886)
  • 2013. Jesus, we look to thee (1749b, 4×8, SMD)
  • 2014. Jesus, we look to thee (1767a, 4×6, 667777)
  • 2015. Jesus, we on thy word depend (1746d, 6×4, LM)
  • 2016. Jesus, we on thy word rely (1762a, 3×6, 888888)
  • 2017. Jesus, we testify thy power (1762b, 1×4, LM)
  • 2018. Jesus, we thus obey (1745b, 4×8, SMD)
  • 2019. Jesus, we thy promise plead (1746h, 2×6, 777777)
  • 2020. Jesus, we wait to see (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2021. Jesus weeps, our tears to see (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2022. Jesus, what grace dost thou bestow (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2023. Jesus, what hast thou bestowed (1742c, 5×8, 76767776)
  • 2024. Jesus, wherewith shall I draw near (1742b, 9×6, 888888)
  • 2025. Jesus, whither shall I go (1749a, 13×6, 777777)
  • 2026. Jesus, who disdainest a part (1762b, 1×6, 777777)
  • 2027. Jesus, who is a God like thee (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2028. Jesus, with complaisance see (1781c, 8×4, 7777)
  • 2029. Jesus, with kindest pity see (1749b, 4×6, 888888)
  • 2030. Jesus, with pitying eye (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2031. Jesus, with thine o’ershadowing hand (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2032. Join all in earth, and all in heaven (1749a, 4×4, LM)
  • 2033. Join all who know the name (1746f, 6×6, 666688)
  • 2034. Join all, whom God in Jesus spares (1759c, 6×4, LM)
  • 2035. Join all ye joyful nations (1745f, 6×5, 77556)
  • 2036. Join all ye ransomed sons of grace (1749b, 4×4, CM)
  • 2037. Joshua from above, thy will (1762a, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2038. Judah now, the land of praise (1762b, 2×8, 76767876)
  • 2039. Just such a wretch am I (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2040. Justice, thy summons we obey (1785b, 4×4, LM)
  • 2041. Justly by man condemned to die (1785b, 4×4, LM)
  • 2042. Justly, O Lord, thou dost require (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2043. Kedar shall all its flocks present (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2044. Kept by constant miracle (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2045. Kept by the Almighty Lord (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2046. Kept off by Lot, the fiery rain (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2047. Kindler of seraphic fire (1767c, 3×6, 777777)
  • 2048. King of kings, I cry to thee (1762a, 2×8, 7777D)
  • 2049. King of saints, to whom are given (1740c, 5×8, 7777D)
  • 2050. Knowing that reconciled thou art (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2051. Knowledge howe’er sublime (1762b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2052. Lamb, lovely Lamb, for sinners slain (1749a, 5×6, 886886)
  • 2053. Lamb of God for sinners slain (1742b, 6×8, 76767876)
  • 2054. Lamb of God, for whom we languish (1745b, 11×3, 866)
  • 2055. Lamb of God, I fain would be (1742c, 14×4, 7777)
  • 2056. Lamb of God I look to thee (1742c, 8 of 14×4, 7777)
  • 2057. Lamb of God, thy right we own (1762b, 6×6, 777777)
  • 2058. Lamb of God, we follow thee (1744c, 8×4, 7777)
  • 2059. Lamb of God, we would submit (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2060. Lamb of God, who bearest away (1745h, 8×6, 777777)
  • 2061. Lamb of God, whose bleeding love (1745b, 4×8, 76767876)
  • 2062. Leader of faithful souls, and guide (1747c, 8×6, 888888)
  • 2063. Leave the stump and roots behind (1767b, 2×8, 76767876)
  • 2064. Leaving myself behind (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2065. Less than the least in his own eyes (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2066. Less than the least of saints, on me (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2067. Let all adore the immortal King (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2068. Let all in joyful songs record (1762a, 1×4, LM)
  • 2069. Let all in thy great praise agree (1749b, 5×4, CM)
  • 2070. Let all mankind in Christ rejoice (1749b, 18×4, LM)
  • 2071. Let all men rejoice by Jesus restored (1749b, 5×4, 10101111)
  • 2072. Let all that breathe, Jehovah praise (1763a, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2073. Let all the God of Daniel praise (1749a, 6×8, CMD)
  • 2074. Let all the sons of light (1762b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2075. Let all who truly bear (1745b, 4×8, SMD)
  • 2076. Let angels and archangels sing (1745f, 4×6, 888888)
  • 2077. Let angels wonder at the sight (1762a, 1×12, LMT)
  • 2078. Let both Jews and Gentiles join (1745b, 4×4, 7777)
  • 2079. Let children proclaim their Savior and King (1763a, 4×4, 10101111)
  • 2080. Let earth and heaven agree (1742a, 10×6, 666688)
  • 2081. Let earth and heaven combine (1745f, 6×6, 666688)
  • 2082. Let earth and hell their powers employ (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2083. Let earth and hell their powers engage (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2084. Let earth be glad, the Lord is King (1781c, 8×6, 888888)
  • 2085. Let every prophet cry aloud (1782b, 7×8, LMD)
  • 2086. Let God, the mighty God (1759a, 3×16, SMDD)
  • 2087. Let God, the mighty God (1759c, 3×8, SMD)
  • 2088. Let God, who comforts the distressed (1758a, 4×6, 888888)
  • 2089. Let heathen scorn and vilify (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2090. Let heathenish boys (1763a, 7×6, 569669)
  • 2091. Let heathens mock what God enjoined (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2092. Let heathens murmur and complain (1749b, 6×4, LM)
  • 2093. Let heaven and earth agree (1740c, 4×4, SM)
  • 2094. Let heaven and earth proclaim (1745b, 3×6, 767777)
  • 2095. Let heaven my sad confession hear (1762a, 1×12, 886886D)
  • 2096. Let him to whom we now belong (1745b, 4×4, CM)
  • 2097. Let Ishmael live (1767a, 4×8, 5555D)
  • 2098. Let Jacob’s favored race (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2099. Let Judah’s joyous house (1762b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2100. Let me, according to thy word (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2101. Let me alone, amazing word (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2102. Let me thus her zeal record (1762b, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2103. Let me well conclude my race (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2104. Let mine injurious brother own (1762b, 3×6, 888888)
  • 2105. Let not the wise his wisdom boast (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2106. Let others of their virtue boast (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2107. Let sinners possessed (1749a, 8×6, 55115511)
  • 2108. Let Sodom’s governors give ear (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2109. Let the angel of the Lord (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2110. Let the fond joy of grace decay (1762b, 2×6, 876886)
  • 2111. Let the God of truth and love (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2112. Let the horrific king appear (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2113. Let the house of Saul give place (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2114. Let the infernal lion roar (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2115. Let the rain descend, the flood (1762b, 1×8, 7776D)
  • 2116. Let the redeemed by grace (1767a, 6×6, 667777)
  • 2117. Let the redeemed give thanks and praise (1767a, 5×8, CMD)
  • 2118. Let the Spirit of our head (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2119. Let the winds blow, and billows roll (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2120. Let the world lament and grieve (1742c, 4×8, 7676D)
  • 2121. Let the world lament their dead (1742c, 6×8, 76767776)
  • 2122. Let the world their virtue boast (1742c, 9×8, 76767876)
  • 2123. Let there be light, again command (1762a, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2124. Let this feeble body droop (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2125. Let thy church in danger prove (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2126. Let us go forth, ’tis God commands (1741a, 5×4, CM)
  • 2127. Let us join (’tis God commands (1740c, 4×8, 7777D)
  • 2128. Let us, Lord, with humblest care (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2129. Let us plead for faith alone (1740c, 3 of 4×8, 7777D)
  • 2130. Let us, saith the Lord, descend (1767b, 2×8, 7777D)
  • 2131. Let us with lawful violence strive (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2132. Liberty in Christ we have (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2133. Life of the world, come down (1746h, 2×8, 66668686)
  • 2134. Lift up thy countenance serene (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2135. Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light (1749a, 12×4, LM)
  • 2136. Lift up your heads, ye gates (1746c, 6×6, 666688)
  • 2137. Lift up your hearts to things above (1749b, 12×4, CM)
  • 2138. Lift your eyes of faith, and look (1745b, 2×6, 777777)
  • 2139. Lift your eyes of faith and see (1745b, 4×8, 7777D)
  • 2140. Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus (1758a, 8×6, 878747)
  • 2141. Light of life eternal, rise (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2142. Light of life, seraphic fire (1749b, 3×8, 7777D)
  • 2143. Light of those whose dreary dwelling (1745f, 3×8, 8787D)
  • 2144. Like him, I smote engaged with sin (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2145. Like him, in piety’s decay (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2146. Lion of Judah’s tribe, draw near (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 2147. Listed into the cause of sin (1749b, 7×8, 8787D)
  • 2148. Live our eternal priest (1745b, 5×6, 667777)
  • 2149. Live our great God on high (1746g, 4×6, 666688)
  • 2150. Live without sin! It cannot be (1762b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2151. Lo! He comes with clouds descending (1758a, 4×6, 878747)
  • 2152. Lo! I come with joy to do (1747c, 6×8, 7676D)
  • 2153. Lo! I in simplicity (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2154. Lo! It comes, Jehovah’s day (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2155. Lo, like one of us the man (1767b, 2×8, 76767876)
  • 2156. Lo, on the margin of the grave (1780a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 2157. Lo, the church with gradual light (1762a, 6×8, 76767876)
  • 2158. Lo, the great God will come from high (1767b, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2159. Lo! The house of holiness (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2160. Lo! The pious monarch stands (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2161. Lo! The sin-avenging Lord (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2162. Lo! The Son of man appears (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2163. Long an outcast from my Lord (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2164. Long as on earth by faith I live (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2165. Long as our hands are lifted up (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2166. Long did I seek in vain (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2167. Long enthralled to low desires (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2168. Long have I labored in the fire (1742c, 10×4, CM)
  • 2169. Long have I seemed to serve thee, Lord (1740a, 23×4, CM)
  • 2170. Long in a tempted state forlorn (1762a, 2×6, 888888)
  • 2171. Long in prayer and supplication (1772a, 4×8, 8787D)
  • 2172. Long in those peaceful pleasant ways (1759b, 8×6, 886886)
  • 2173. Lord, am not I at ease (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2174. Lord, and am I yet alive (1742c, 3×8, 7777D)
  • 2175. Lord and God of heavenly powers (1739a, 3×4, 7777)
  • 2176. Lord, and is thine anger gone (1742b, 8×8, 76767876)
  • 2177. Lord, give me that pacific mind (1762b, 1×6, 886886)
  • 2178. Lord, give us wisdom to suspect (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2179. Lord, how long, how long shall I (1740c, 5×6, 777777)
  • 2180. Lord, I adore thy righteous will (1762a, 1×6, 886886)
  • 2181. Lord, I ask it in thy name (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2182. Lord, I believe a rest remains (1740c, 17×4, 7676)
  • 2183. Lord, I believe, and stand secure (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2184. Lord, I believe, thou wilt forgive (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2185. Lord, I believe thy every word (1742c, 14×4, CM)
  • 2186. Lord, I believe thy mercy’s power (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2187. Lord, I believe, thy mercy’s power (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2188. Lord, I believe thy power the same (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2189. Lord, I believe thy sprinkled blood (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2190. Lord, I believe, thy work of grace (1742c, 22×4, CM)
  • 2191. Lord, I confess my sins to thee (1742b, 12×6, 888888)
  • 2192. Lord, I fain would learn of thee (1762b, 1×6, 777777)
  • 2193. Lord, I glorify thy grace (1742c, 4×8, 76767776)
  • 2194. Lord, I have counted first the cost (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2195. Lord, I have sinned, but now relent (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2196. Lord, I know not how to pray (1749a, 8×8, 7676D)
  • 2197. Lord, I look for thy salvation (1762b, 1×8, 8787D)
  • 2198. Lord, I magnify thy power (1767a, 4×8, 76767776)
  • 2199. Lord, I revoke my hasty prayer (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2200. Lord, I the messengers receive (1767a, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2201. Lord, I thy charge obey (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2202. Lord, I thy truth proclaim (1762a, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2203. Lord, I want thy power and peace (1762b, 1×6, 777777)
  • 2204. Lord, I would my sight receive (1762b, 1×4, 7777)
  • 2205. Lord, I would thy servant be (1762b, 1×4, 7777)
  • 2206. Lord, if I have with thee found grace (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2207. Lord, if now thou passest by us (1745b, 2×8, 8787D)
  • 2208. Lord, if some secret sin of mine (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2209. Lord, if thou from me hast broke (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2210. Lord, if thou givest the hearing ear (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2211. Lord, if thou hast on me bestowed (1767a, 4×6, 886886)
  • 2212. Lord, if thou the grace impart (1743b, 5×4, 7777)
  • 2213. Lord, if thy grace I have (1762b, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2214. Lord, if thy sovereign majesty (1780a, 4×4, LM)
  • 2215. Lord, if to me thy grace hath given (1739a, 5×4, LM)
  • 2216. Lord, in kind compassion hear (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2217. Lord, in the strength of grace (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2218. Lord in thy light, I see (1762a, 1×8, SMD)
  • 2219. Lord, in thy wrath no more chastise (1743a, 6×6, 886886)
  • 2220. Lord, is it for thy sake that I (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2221. Lord, may not I thy promise claim (1762a, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2222. Lord, not unto me (1741b, 6×8, 55556565)
  • 2223. Lord of all, thy creatures see (1746h, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2224. Lord of hosts, Almighty Lord (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2225. Lord of hosts, and God most high (1782b, 10×8, 76767876)
  • 2226. Lord of hosts, and God of love (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2227. Lord of hosts, from thee we take (1762b, 1×8, 76767776)
  • 2228. Lord of hosts, thy power assume (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2229. Lord of hosts, to thee we bow (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2230. Lord of hosts, we bow before thee (1750b, 4×8, 8787D)
  • 2231. Lord of hosts, we bow before thee (1767c, 3×6, 866866)
  • 2232. Lord of hosts we look to thee (1745h, 4×8, 76767876)
  • 2233. Lord of life, thy followers see (1745b, 2×4, 7777)
  • 2234. Lord of the gospel-harvest send (1758a, 4×6, 888888)
  • 2235. Lord of the harvest, hear (1742c, 6×4, SM)
  • 2236. Lord of the wide-extended main (1740c, 10×4, LM)
  • 2237. Lord, of thee we fain would learn (1762a, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2238. Lord over all, if thou hast made (1758a, 4×6, 888888)
  • 2239. Lord over all, thy Spirit pour (1762b, 2×6, 888888)
  • 2240. Lord, regard my earnest cry (1742b, 9×8, 76767876)
  • 2241. Lord, that I may learn of thee (1762a, 4×4, 7777)
  • 2242. Lord, that I may sing to thee (1763a, 1×8, 78777777)
  • 2243. Lord, that I may truly fear (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2244. Lord, thou forbiddest me in vain (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2245. Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray (1744c, 6×6, 886886)
  • 2246. Lord, thou hast spoke me whole (1762b, 1×6, 666688)
  • 2247. Lord, thou knowst my simpleness (1745b, 3×6, 777777)
  • 2248. Lord, thy saying I embrace (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2249. Lord, to thee I feebly look (1762b, 6×4, 7777)
  • 2250. Lord, to thee I lift mine eyes (1762a, 1×8, 7777D)
  • 2251. Lord, we before the world profess (1762a, 2×6, 886886)
  • 2252. Lord, we have all forsook (1744c, 8×8, SMD)
  • 2253. Lord, we long to see that day (1762b, 2×6, 777777)
  • 2254. Lord, we long to see thy glory (1762b, 1×6, 878747)
  • 2255. Lord, we thy will obey (1749b, 4×6, 666688)
  • 2256. Lord, we with awful thanks confess (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2257. Lord, we with joy thy word obey (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2258. Lord, what is man’s distinguished race (1762b, 1×8, LMD)
  • 2259. Lord, while at thy command (1762b, 2×8, SMD)
  • 2260. Lord, with joyful lips and heart (1762b, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2261. Lost by the first, the second man (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2262. Lost, perplexed with doubts and fears (1762a, 1×8, 76767876)
  • 2263. Love divine, all loves excelling (1747c, 4×8, LMD)
  • 2264. Love divine for thee I languish (1749a, 3×8, 8787D)
  • 2265. Love divine, for whom I languish (1772a, 6×4, CM)
  • 2266. Love divine, the afflicted see (1767a, 10×4, 7777)
  • 2267. Love, only love thy law fulfils (1762b, 1×6, 888888)
  • 2268. Loved for a time, they might have been (1762b, 1×8, CMD)
  • 2269. Lovely-fair, but breathless clay (1767a, 10×6, 777777)
  • 2270. Lovely Lamb, I come to thee (1749b, 8×4, 7777)
  • 2271. Lover, friend of human kind (1767a, 12×4, 7777)
  • 2272. Lover of little children, thee (1742c, 6×4, CM)
  • 2273. Lovers of pleasure more than God (1749a, 11 of 18×4, CM)
  • 2274. Loving Jesus, gentle lamb (1742c, 13 of 14×4, 7777)
  • 2275. Lust is a fire that fiercely burns (1762a, 2×8, LMD)
  • 2276. Lusting to shed his brother’s blood (1762a, 1×8, LMD)