ChoralWiki:How to write an article for CPDL News ...

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Revision as of 02:59, 16 February 2006 by Admin (talk | contribs) (add new article)
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Hello all,

Now that CPDL News articles can be posted on the website, here is a short article on how to add an article. First off, any article that is submitted should be on a subject of wide interest to users of CPDL. It could be instructional, topical, a feature request, or humorous. If a topic is not of general interest, it may be more appropriate to post it to the CPDL forums. All articles are subject to modification or deletion. The easiest way to write one is to take a previous article, modify the title, the text, and the date.

To create an article from scratch, type a 'ChoralWiki:' and a leading sentence as a topic in the search box. Here is an example:

ChoralWiki: How to write an article for CPDL News ...

In most cases there will be no article with that name. The search result will have a text which says:

No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search.

Click on this exact title to be sent to an editing box. Type in your article. You may use wiki markup language, or just use plain text. At the bottom of the article, you must include the following line:

[[Category:2006-02-14]][[Category:CPDL News]]

Instead of 2006-02-14, place the actual date (Year-Month-Date format, YYYY-MM-DD). It is suggested that you preview the article before you save it. A reminder, articles will be moderated and are subject to modification or deletion.

Best regards,

Rafael Ornes
Manager, CPDL