Harmonice Musices Odhecaton (Ottaviano Petrucci)

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General Information

Title: Harmonice Musices Odhecaton
Editor - Compiler: Pietro da Castello

Description: A collection of 287 works for 3-5 voices, in three volumes labeled Odhecaton A, Canti B, & Canti C.

Publications using VolumesVolumes

1 – Published 1501 – Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A, by Ottaviano Petrucci in Venice
2 – Published 1502 – Canti B, by Ottaviano Petrucci in Venice
3 – Published 1504 – Canti C, by Ottaviano Petrucci in Venice

Known Editions: Hewitt (1942) dates the copies known to her like this:

  • Odhecaton: Issue of 1501 (between 15 May 1501 and 5 February 1502). Bologna: Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale
  • Canti B: 5 February 1502. Bologna: Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale
  • Odhecaton: 14 January 1503. Seville: Biblioteca Colombina
  • Canti B: 4 August 1503. Paris: Blbliotheque du Conservatoire National
  • Canti C: 10 February 1504. Paris: Bibliotheque du Conservatoire National; Vienna: Nationalbibliothek
  • Odhecaton: 25 May 1504. The Hague: Library of Paul Gottschalk; Madrid: Biblioteca Medinacell; Paris: Blbliotheque du Conservatoire National
  • Odhecaton: Date uncertain. (probably either 14 January 1503 or 25 May 1504). Treviso: Biblioteca Capitolare


External Links


  • Hewitt, Helen, Editor. 1942. Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A. Mediaeval Society of America Publication 42, 421 pp.

List of works

See list of works at this page

Works at CPDL

Volume 1 (1501)

Title Year Composer No. Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices
Adieu mes amours 1501 Josquin des Prez 3 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Allons fere nos barbes 1501 Loyset Compère A05 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Ave Maria 1501 Marbrianus de Orto A01 Sacred Motets 4 ATBB
Bergerette savoyenne 1501 Josquin des Prez 10 Secular Chansons 4 SAAB, SATB, STTB
Helas que pourra devenir 1501 Firminus Caron 19 Secular Rondeaux 3 SAT
Ma bouche rit 1501 Johannes Ockeghem 78 Secular Chansons 3 STT
Mater patris et filia 1501 Antoine Brumel 80 Sacred Motets 3 TBB
Nous sommes de l'ordre de Saint Babouin 1501 Loyset Compère 39 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Pourquoi non 1501 Pierre de la Rue 40 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Tmeiskin was jonck 1501 Heinrich Isaac 44 Secular Lieder 4 SATB

Volume 2 (1502)

Title Year Composer No. Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices
Baisez moy a 6 1502 Josquin des Prez 6 Secular Chansons 6 SAATTB
Et la la la 1502 Ninot le Petit 14 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Noe, noe 1502 Antoine Brumel B24 Sacred Motets 4 SATB
Tous les regretz 1502 Pierre de la Rue 35 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Veci la danse barbari 1502 Bertrandus Vaqueras 38 Secular Chansons 4 STTB

Volume 3 (1504)

Title Year Composer No. Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices
De tous biens plaine 1504 Alexander Agricola 64 Secular Chansons 3 ATB
Il y a trois dames à Paris 1504 Marbrianus de Orto 12 Secular Chansons 4 SATB
Myn hert altyt heeft verlanghen 1504 Pierre de la Rue 11 Secular Madrigals 4 SATB
Prenez sur moi 1504 Johannes Ockeghem 140 Secular Chansons 3 SAT
Si ascendero in cælum 1504 Nicolaes Craen 124 Sacred Motets 3 ATB


No. File Name Colophon Dedication Title Folios Reg* Comment
1 297366 (None) 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 95
2 267487 (None) 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 95 Monochrome scan.
3 212836 25 May 1504 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 103 N Monochrome scan.
4 273193 25 May 1504 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 104 N Monochrome scan.
5 297362 25 May 1504 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 104 N
6 203249-53 25 May 1504 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 104 N
7 345507-20-34 25 May 1504 1501 Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A 104 N
8 297427 4 August 1503 (None) Canti B Numero Cinquanta 56 G
9 254144 4 August 1503 (None) Canti B Numero Cinquanta 56 G
10 344798- 4 August 1503 (None) Canti B Numero Cinquanta 56 G
11 297430 10 February 1503 (None) Canti C No. Cento Cinquanta 168 U
12 254146 10 February 1503 (None) Canti C No. Cento Cinquanta 168 U Monochrome scan.
13 280505 10 February 1503 (None) Canti C No. Cento Cinquanta 168 U Monochrome scan.
14 346258 10 February 1503 (None) Canti C No. Cento Cinquanta 168 U
15 346358-376 10 February 1503 (None) Canti C No. Cento Cinquanta 168 U