Jesu spes poenitentibus (Samuel Friedrich Capricornus)

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  • (Posted 2024-08-31)  CPDL #81762:         
Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2024-08-31).   Score information: A4, 26 pages, 254 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Instrumental parts are includen in the PDF.

General Information

Title: Jesu spes poenitentibus
Composer: Samuel Friedrich Capricornus
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: String ensemble  : 2vi, 2 va, bc

First published: 1660 in Jubilus Bernhardi, Stuttgard, no. 2

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Jesu spes pœnitentibus,
quam pius es petentibus,
quam bonus te quærentibus,
sed quid invenientibus.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Jesus, hoop der rouwmoedigen,
wat zijt Ge trouw voor wie U vraagt!
wat zijt Ge goed voor wie U zoekt!
maar wat wel voor hem die U vindt?
(vert. dbnl)

English.png English translation

Jesus, hope of the penitent,
how faithful you are to those who ask you!
how good you are to those who seek you!
but how good you are to him who finds you?