Cunctipotens genitor Deus (Anonymous (Medieval Organum, c. 1000-1100))

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  • (Posted 2024-01-14)  CPDL #78747:     
Editor: John E. Stromgren (submitted 2024-01-14).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 40 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: 2-part organum based on the chant listed as "Kyrie IV" in the Liber Usualis

General Information

Title: Cunctipotens genitor Deus
Composer: Anonymous
Lyricist: Anonymous (Tuotilo? c. 900)create page
Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: SA
Genre: SacredChant

Language: Latin
First published: c. 1000-1100
Description: A "troped Kyrie" in two-part organum

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Cunctipotens genitor, Deus, omni Creator, eleison.
Christe, Dei splendor, virtus patrisque, sophia, eleison.
Amborum sacrum spiramen, nexus amorque, eleison.

English.png English text

Almighty Father, God, Creator of all things, have mercy.
Christ, the splendor of God, strength and wisdom of the Father, have mercy.
The Holy breath, the fusion and love of both, have mercy.