Eliseo Ghibel

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Aliases: Eliseo Ghibelli; Eliseo Ghibellini


Born: ca. 1520

Died: after 1581


Ghibel's career can be partially traced though the dedications of his books, signed 1546, 1548 & 1554 from Naples. The 1565 book alludes to an unhappy residence 1558-61 at Messina, and in 1581 he is maestro di cappella at SS Sacramento in Ancona, after which he disappears from record.

View the Wikipedia article on Eliseo Ghibel.

List of choral works

Sacred works

Secular works

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  • Motetta super plano cantu cum quinque vocibus liber primus 1546, 2nd edition 1548
  • Primo libro de madrigali a tre voci 1551, 2nd edition 1552
  • Il primo libro de canzoni villanesche alla napoletana a tre voci 1554
  • Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci 1554
  • De festis introitibus missarum cuiucque anni quae quinque vocibus canuntur liber primus 1565
  • Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci 1581

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