Farewell Hymn (Jeremiah Ingalls)

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  • (Posted 2017-07-08)  CPDL #45308:       
Editor: Barry Johnston (submitted 2017-07-08).   Score information: Letter, 1 page, 66 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: Oval note edition, as written in 1805. Five more stanzas included, from those in Ingalls 1805.
  • (Posted 2017-07-08)  CPDL #45307:   
Editor: Barry Johnston (submitted 2017-07-08).   Score information: 7 x 10 inches (landscape), 1 page, 52 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: Note shapes added (4-shape). Five more stanzas included, from those in Ingalls 1805.

General Information

Title: Farewell Hymn
First Line: Give ear to me, ye sons of men
Composer: Jeremiah Ingalls
Lyricist: Jeremiah Ingalls

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: Sacred   Meter: 88. 88. 88

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1805 in Ingalls' The Christian Harmony, pp. 139-140
Description: The words were probably written by Jeremiah Ingalls, for use at the funeral of Polly Gould, who died as a child in 1790, published in 1805, in sixteen stanzas. This tune was revised by Amzi Chapin in 1813, rewriting it in E minor, putting it to words by Isaac Watts ("Lord, what a heaven of saving grace") and renaming it Vernon. Chapin's revision was put to different words by Charles Wesley ("Come, O thou traveller unknown") in Samuel Metcalf's The Kentucky Harmonist, 1818. This was repeated by William Walker, reduced to three parts, in Southern Harmony (p. 34) in 1830. Moore's version was restored in The Sacred Harp (p. 55b) from 1844 through 1911; the 1991 edition has it on page 95b. See Vernon (Amzi Chapin) for a note-by-note comparison of all these works.

See also:

Come, O thou Traveler unknown (Traditional), a different harmonization of this tune in 20th-century hymnal format.

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

1. Give ear to me, ye sons of men,
Why stand ye gazing round my bed,
We all must die, the Lord knows when,
And lie among the silent dead;
Though now in health, you all may die,
And turn to dust as soon as I.

2. When from my Maker's hand I came,
The seeds of death were in me sown;
Which will dissolve my mortal frame
Soon as the bloom of life is blown;
Behold me on a dying bed,
Forget me not, when I am dead.

3. The seeds of grace have since been sown,
And rooted well within my soul;
Which being ripe and fully grown,
Flow sweetly on the moments roll.
Come, welcome death and set me free,
My Savior's face I long to see.

4. Farewell, my father, kind and dear,
I wish you well with all my heart;
Farewell, my mother, fond and near.
For you and I mud shortly part,
My Jesus calls, and I will go,
And leave all earthly things below.


5. Farewell, my brothers, young and old,
Farewell, my little sisters, too;
My cheeks are pale, my hands are cold,
And I must bid you all adieu.
My days are spent, my race is run,
Remember me when dead and gone.

6. Farewell, my young companions, all,
From death’s arrest no age is free;
Remember this for warning calls,
Prepare to follow after me.
The wife, the foolish and the brave,
Must try the cold and silent grave.

7. Farewell, my neighbors, kind and free,
The happy hour is hastening on,
When you will say concerning me,.
Then Polly Gould is dead and gone.
The like will soon be said of you,
The way of virtue then pursue.

8. Adieu to all things here below;
My treasure is above the sky;
My Savior calls, and I will go,
And take possession by and by.
Dear Jesus, come, delay no more,
I long to reach thy peaceful shore.


9. Now she is dead and cannot stir,
Her cheeks are like the fading rose,
Which of us next will follow her,
The Lord Almighty only knows.
But this you know as well as I,
That we are mortals, born to die.

10. Cease, my beloved, to complain,
Her soul is born of heavenly birth,
The dust returns to dust again,
Her voice is heard no more on earth,
But her immortal soul is gone
To put eternal glory on.

11. The great Creator, wise and true,
Has an undoubted right to reign;
He made and lent her unto you,
Till he should call for her again.
He has a right to take his own,
O praise him for his blessed loan.

12. Remember this, ye mourning friends,
Your loss is her eternal gain:
With her all sin and sorrow ends.
Then cease to murmur or complain.
Her weary soul is gone to rest,
Where sin and Satan can’t molest.


13. She was a blessing here below,
A lovely, kind, and pleasant child;
Her soul, now free from sin and woe,
Will serve its Maker undefiled.
Her sleeping dust shall rest in peace,
Till sun and moon their courses cease..

14. How sweet and pleasant was the sound
That thrilled upon her mortal tongue;
Now she is gone where joys abound,
And songs of nobler praise are sung;
Where peace, and lore, and concord reigns,
And Christ the Judge his throne maintains.

15. Rejoice ye mourners here below,
That she is gone to worlds above;
Yet mourn your loss in parting so,
For she is worthy of your love.
Rejoice with grief, and mourn with joy.
While solemn thoughts your minds employ.

16. Who can describe the joys of heaven.
Or comprehend the Lord of Hosts?
May honor, might, and praise be given
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
All glory to the One in Three,
And Three in One eternally.