Glòria a Maria (Josep Sancho i Marraco)
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- Editor: Francesc Pérez Martín (submitted 2022-05-21). Score information: 210x334, 1 page, 64 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes:
General Information
Title: Glòria a Maria
Composer: Josep Sancho i Marraco
Lyricist: J. Verdaguercreate page
Number of voices: 1v Voicing: S
Genre: Sacred, Chant
Language: Catalan
Instruments: Organ
First published:
Description: A hymn to Mary whose title translates to "Glory to Mary." This sheet music is for a chorus or one solo voice and organ or harmonium accompaniment. The music was composed by Sancho i Marraco, and the lyrics are a poem by Jacint Verdaguer.
External websites:
- Poema Glòria a Maria
- Traditional live performance:
Original text and translations
Catalan text Glòria a Maria, flor de les flors; |
Spanish translation Gloria a Maria, flor del amor; |