Gloria Patri

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General information

Latin = Glory to the Father, a trinitarian doxology customarily suffixed to Psalms and Canticles, and to fragments of them, in such places as the Introit and Gradual of the Mass. Also, sometimes used as an offertory response.

In some books containing chanted texts, it is expected that the reader will understand that the Gloria Patri is to be used, and to which formula it is to be sung, the variable ending is shown by means of the final vowels of the text, "E u o u a e".

View the Wikipedia article on Gloria Patri.

Single musical settings

Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above

Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto:
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen.

English.png English text

The Book of Common Prayer, 1662:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer [U.S.], 1979
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be for ever. Amen.

Metrical Doxologies (Isaac Watts, 1719)
Doxology 1. 88. 88 (L.M.)
To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, three in one,
Be honor, praise, and glory given,
By all on earth, and all in heaven.

Doxology 2. 86. 86 (C.M.)
Let God the Father, and the Son,
And Spirit, be adored,
Where there are works to make him known,
Or saints to love the Lord.

Doxology 3. 86. 86 (C.M.)
The God of mercy be adored,
Who calls our souls from death;
Who saves by his redeeming word,
And new-creating breath.

To praise the Father, and the Son,
And Spirit, all divine,
The one in three, and three in one,
Let saints and angels join.

Doxology 4. 66. 86 (S.M.)
Ye angels round the throne,
And saints that dwell below,
Worship the Father, praise the Son,
And bless the Spirit too.

Doxology 5. 88. 88. 88
Now to the great and sacred three,
The Father, Son, and Spirit, be
Eternal praise and glory given,
Through all the worlds where God is known,
By all the angels near the throne,
And all the saints in earth and heaven.

Doxology 6. 66. 66. 44. 44
To God the Father's throne
Perpetual honors raise,
Glory to God the Son,
To God the Spirit praise:
 With all our powers,
 Eternal King,
 Thy name we sing,
 While faith adores.

Chinese.png Chinese text

Modern Chinese:

Classical Chinese:

German.png German text

Ecumenic version, 1972:
Ehre sei dem Vater und dem Sohn und dem Heiligen Geist,
wie im Anfang, so auch jetzt und alle Zeit
und in Ewigkeit. Amen.

Unidentified version:
Ehre sei dem Vater und dem Sohn und auch dem heiligen Geiste,
wie es war im Anfang, jetzt und immerdar
und von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. Amen

Spanish.png Spanish text

Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo
como era en un principio, ahora y siempre.
Por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Serbian.png Serbian text

Слава Оцу и Сину и Светоме Духу,
сада и увек и у векове векова. Амин.

Vietnamese.png Vietnamese translation

Common Prayer:
Sáng danh Đức Chúa Cha, và Đức Chúa Con, và Đức Chúa Thánh Thần:
Như đã có trước vô cùng, và bây giờ, và hằng có,
và đời đời chẳng cùng. Amen.

Liturgy of the Hours:
Doxology 1
Vinh danh Chúa Cha, và Chúa Con, cùng vinh danh Thánh Thần Thiên Chúa:
tự muôn đời, và chính hiện nay,
luôn mãi đến thiên thu vạn đại. Amen.

Doxology 3
Xin dâng lời tôn vinh chúc tụng Chúa Cha, Chúa Con, và Chúa Thánh Thần,
là Thiên Chúa đã có, hiện có, và đang tới,
xin tôn vinh chúc tụng muôn đời. Amen.

External links