O Padua, sidus praeclarum (Johannes Ciconia)

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  • (Posted 2006-02-24)  CPDL #11066:        (Finale 2000)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2006-02-24).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 104 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: O Padua, sidus praeclarum
Composer: Johannes Ciconia

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: AAT
Genre: SecularMotet

Language: Latin

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

O Padua, sidus praeclarum,
hocce nisa fulgido
virtutum regula morum
serto refulgens florido,

te laudat juris sanctio,
philosophiae veritas
et artistarum concio,
poematum sublimitas.

Tu Anthenoris generis
regis sumpsisti exordium,
quo proles tua muneris
genus habet egregium.

Frugum, opum fecunditas
telluris orta spacio,
tibi servit jocunditas,
fertilitas ocio.

Te plena montes flumina,
te castra rura florea
decorant, templi culmina,
edes et pontes, balnea.

Tuae laudis preconia
per orbem fama memorat
que Johannes Ciconia
canore fido resonat.


English.png English translation

O Padua, brilliant star,
luminous model
of virtues and manners,
resting on this radiant wreath of flowers,

you receive praise from jurisprudence,
from philosophical truth,
from the artistic community
and from the majesty of poetry.

You had your origin
in the race of King Antenor,
whence your progeny
has an exceptional sort of duty.

A luxuriance of produce and of wealth
sprung from the expanse of your lands,
enjoyment gratifies you,
fertility gratifies you with leisure.

You are adorned by mountains and broad rivers,
by castles and flowery meads,
by the domes of your basilica,
by palaces and bridges and public baths.

Public opinion recalls the proclamation
of your praise throughout the world,
which Johannes Ciconia re-echoes
with his trusty song.


Translated for CPDL by John C. Barnes

English.png English translation

O Padua! Noble star,
brilliant exemplar
of strength and character,
shining garland of beauty!

The rule of law,
the truth of knowledge,
the community of the arts,
the grandeur of poets—all praise you.

You come from the line
of King Antenor;
your people have inherited
an awesome duty.

Fruitful and rich
in lands and harvests,
you are blessed
with prosperity.

You have mountains, rivers,
castles, rich fields,
cathedrals, palaces,
bridges, and public baths.

All the world
speaks your praise,
which Johannes Ciconia
faithfully echoes.


Translation by Nicholas Jones