Surrexit pastor bonus

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General information

Second responsory at matins on Easter Monday, based on John 10.11 and 1 Corinthians 5.7,8.

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Surrexit pastor bonus
qui animam suam posuit pro ovibus suis,
et pro grege suo mori dignatus est, alleluia,

et enim pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus.
Et stetit in medio discipulorum suorum et dixit: pax vobis.
Gavisi sunt discipuli viso Domino,

Variant 1
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, exultemus et laetemur in ea.

Variant 2
Itaque epulemur in azymis sinceritatis et veritatis.

English.png English translation

The good shepherd has arisen,
who laid down his life for his sheep,
and for his flock deigned to die, alleluia,

And for our Passover was sacrificed for us: Christ.
And stood in the midst of his disciples and said: Peace be with you.
The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

Variant 1
This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Variant 2
Therefore let us feast on the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

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