Talk:Exsultate iusti in Domino (Juan Gutierrez de Padilla)

From ChoralWiki

Minor typos

Bass 2, bar 49: vociferatioRUM --> vociferatioNE
Bass 2, bar 60: misericodiam --> misericoRdiam
Soprano 1, bar 83: omINs --> omNIs
Alto 1, bar 85: eoFum --> eoRum
Thanks, Max. I'll fix these and post new PDFs. – Chucktalk Giffen 22:22, 2 January 2015 (UTC)
Ooops... I forgot to sign my remarks. Quite minor mistakes, anyway. A choir from California will perform it based on your edition, Chuck, and they asked me to prepare the relevant training aids, so I had the opportunity (and the duty) to check it note by note and syllable by syllable. Please note: the positioning of some "musica ficta" accidentals is not optimum for visibility (e.g., in the version in F, the sharp of alto I on bar 31), so you may want to improve it in a new pdf. Max a.k.a. Choralia (talk) 22:37, 2 January 2015 (UTC)
Update: I have uploaded revised editions correcting these errors, together with better engraving via FInale 2014. – Chucktalk Giffen 02:39, 8 January 2015 (UTC)