Tot u hief ick myn ogen (Cornelis Boscoop)

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  • (Posted 2020-03-09)  CPDL #57445:         
Editor: Hans Sodaar (submitted 2020-03-09).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 68 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Edition based on CPDL #51615. Transposed up one note. Correction error soprano bar 39-47. Underlay adaption according Seiffert 1899.
  • (Posted 2018-10-28)  CPDL #51615:         
Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2018-10-28).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 141 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Corrected version 4 June 2022

General Information

Title: Tot u hief ick myn ogen
Composer: Cornelis Boscoop
Lyricist: Hebrew numbering ps. 123create page

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredLiturgical music

Language: Dutch
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1568 Psalmen David met vier partijen, Düsseldorff
Description: Psalm 122 (Hebrew numbering ps. 123).

External websites:

Original text and translations

Dutch.png Dutch text

Tot u hief ick myn ogen lieve Heer,
hier boven tot uwen throne,
daer gy zyt geseten met groter eer,
in dynen hemel alzoe schone.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

(Nieuwe Bijbel Vertaling)
Naar u sla ik mijn ogen op, n
aar u die in de hemel troont,
[waar gij zit met grote eer,
in uw zo schone hemel].

English.png English translation

(King James)
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes,
O thou that dwellest in the heavens
[where thou sitest with great honor,
in your heaven so fair].