Un'altra volta la Germania strida (Cipriano de Rore)
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- Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2020-05-31). Score information: A4, 4 pages, 123 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Transcribed from 1571 Gardano print. A sharp sign in the Canto in measure 41 has been cancelled. Original key (high chiavette) and note values.
General Information
Title: Un'altra volta la Germania strida
Composer: Cipriano de Rore
Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB
Genre: Secular, Madrigal
Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1557 in Il secondo libro de madrigali a quatro voci, no. 1
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Original text and translations
Italian text
Un’altra volta la Germania strida,
E per doppiar la forz’ha fatto lega
Con l’aureo giglio, e già l’insegne spiega,
Gli campi scorre e gli nimici uccide.
Carlo che di trionfi già si vede
Carco, per sé il Re celeste prega
Che lo soccorra, e nel sembiante nega
Ch’abbi timor di questa gente infida.
Poi ragiona tra se, fatto sdegnoso:
«Gli eserciti saranno i miei consigli,
I Duci la virtù, l’armi e la fede,
Le trombe il tempo, i miei color vermigli
La fortuna ch’a meco fermo il piede
Con che t’opprimerò popol ritroso.»
English translation
Once more Germany is roaring,
And to double its strength it has leagued together
With the golden lily [France]. Already it unfurls its banners,
Marches through the fields and kills its enemies.
Charles, already laden with triumphs,
Prays the heavenly King
To assist him, and his countenance
Denies any fear of these deceitful people.
Then pondering to himself, he scoffs:
“My armies will be my counsel,
My commanders will be virtue, weapons and faith,
Trumpets will be my beat, and my vermillion
Will be fortune, whose foot is firmly with me,
And with which I will crush you, barbarous people.”