User:William Evans
General information
Country of origin: Australia
Contributor since: 2014-05-28
Works with editions by this editor: 77 (see list)
See also: William Evans's composer page.
Contact information
e-mail: w.evans.missaegolucemvideret
BA (Music & Performance Studies) at the University of Sydney. Studied composition with Anne Boyd, Peter Sculthorpe, Ross Edwards and Elliott Gyger.
Chorister at St Peters Eastern Hill (Anglican/Episcopalian) and with Gloriana Chamber Choir in Melbourne, Australia.
The Mass editions I have contributed are mainly for practical use in our choir. In pieces I edited a few years ago, the Credo movements of the Mass are generally omitted as these are sung congregationally at St Peters. I have included this movement in later editions for the benefit of other users. I hope you enjoy performing these pieces as much as I do. I am always happy to hear from cpdl members about changes or corrections and would also love to hear about any performances of these pieces.