1 T'arreceres a la falda perquè el sot et dóna enuig,
o per l'aire que t'escalfa des de Sant Pere del Puig.
2 No et desvetlles per feresa, ni t'aclofes per despit,
ni el teu viure de pagesa porta res d'emperesit.
3 Si en la lluita sarraïna t'embrunies de la pell,
en missal i mantellina fas la pols a Castellvell.
4 I la veu de la campana va fent públic el teu bé,
com un goig que s'encomana quan arribes a Almoster.
English translation
1 You, [little town of Almoster,] huddle on the mountainside, shunning the boggy ground
Or for the sake of the breeze which warms you from Sant Pere del Puig.
2 You do not stay awake out of fear, nor crouch there out of rancour,
Nor is there any trace of idleness in your rustic life.
3 Though your skin may have been tanned while fighting the Saracens,
you don a shawl to go to Mass, outshining Castellvell.
4 The sound of the bell seems to say 'All's well with the world',
Like the joy which warms the traveller's heart as he approaches Almoster.
Translation by Mick Swithinbank in collaboration with Manuel Espin Grau.