Angelus ad pastores ait (Costanzo Festa)

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  • (Posted 2019-04-20)  CPDL #54008:       
Editor: John Hetland (submitted 2019-04-20).   Score information: Letter, 8 pages, 873 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Source: The Medici Codex, ed. Edward E. Lowinsky, 1968. Notation here is a fourth higher than the original with time valued halved. Translation, text underlay and editorial accidentals by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 17 Apr 2019

General Information

Title: Angelus ad pastores ait
Composer: Costanzo Festa

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript 1518 in the Medici Codex, no. 8
    Manuscript 1522 in Biblioteca Capitolare di Padua MS A.17, no. 12
Description: Loosely Luke 2:10-16, John 1:14

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Angelus ad pastóres áit,
Annúntio vóbis gáudium mágnum,
quía nátus est vóbis
Salvátor múndi.
Pastóres loquebántur ad ínvicem:
Transeámus úsque in Béthlehem
et videámus hoc vérbum,
quod annuntiátum fúit nóbis ángelo.
Et venérunt festinántes,
et invenérunt Maríam et Jóseph
et infántem nátum.
Et adoravérunt éum, dicéntes:
Vérbum cáro fáctum est
de Vírgine María.
Púer nátus est nóbis
de Vírgine María.
in hoc ánni círculo
víta dátur pópulo,
nátus in praesépio
de Vírgine María.

English.png English translation

The angel said to the shepherds,
I proclaim to you a great joy,
for born to you is
the Savior of the world.
The shepherds said to one another:
Let us go, even to Bethlehem,
and see what was
proclaimed to us by the angel.
And they came in haste
and found Mary and Joseph
and the baby son.
And they worshipped him, saying:
The Word has been made flesh
by the Virgin Mary.
A boy has been born to us
by the Virgin Mary.
In this year's cycle
a life is given to the people,
born in a manger
by the Virgin Mary.