Ave domina mea (Jean de La Fage)

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  • (Posted 2020-01-02)  CPDL #56487:     
Editor: Mick Swithinbank (submitted 2020-01-02).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 76 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This edition is transposed up a tone, at which pitch the top part still constitutes a fairly low alto line.

General Information

Title: Ave domina mea
Composer: Jean de La Fage

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: ATTB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1534 in Motettorum, Book 4 (Pierre Attaingnant), no. 4
Description: Marian motet from Attaingnant's Fourth Book of Motets. The original clefs were C3, C4, C4, F4.

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Ave domina mea sancta Maria mater Dei,
regina caeli, porta paradisi, singularis et pura,
tu es virgo, tu concepisti Iesum sine peccato,
tu peperisti creatorem et salvatorem mundi
in quo non dubito. Libera me ab omni malo
et ora pro peccatis meis.

English.png English translation

Hail, noble lady, saintly Mary, mother of God,
queen of heaven, gateway to paradise, unique and pure:
as a virgin, you conceived Jesus without committing any fault,
you gave birth to the creator and saviour of the world
in whom I firmly believe.
Keep me free of any evil and pray for my sins. Amen.