Cornelius Heyns

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Floreat: 1447-1465

Died: 1485

Biography South Netherlandish composer and cleric. He was a singer at St Donatian, Bruges, from 25 October 1447. He was appointed cappellanus succentor, with Johannes Boubert, from 1452 to 1454; he served again as succentor from 1462 to 1465. All other statements about his life – for instance, that he served at the Burgundian court or that he might be identified with either Hayne van Ghizeghem or the Cornelio di Lorenzo ‘d’Anversa’ (=?Cornelio de Liloo) who was a singer in both Ferrara and Florence during the 1480s – must be regarded as conjecture. (It may be that Cornelio di Lorenzo was also associated with St Donatian, since he was sent by Duke Ercole I of Ferrara to Bruges in October 1487 with the request that Obrecht be allowed to come to Ferrara.) Perhaps, however, Heyns may be identified with the Cornelius who served as a singer in the chapel of S. Giovanni, Florence, in 1449 and who seems to have gone back to the Low Countries in July of that year. He should not be identified with the Cistercian monk Cornelius Heyns, who copied the Seneca manuscript in 1477.

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