Hark, shepherd swains (George Jeffreys)

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  • (Posted 2021-12-24)  CPDL #67220:  Network.png
Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2021-12-24).   Score information: A4, 14 pages, 540 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download. Organ part realized editorially.

General Information

Title: Hark, shepherd swains
Composer: George Jeffreys
Lyricist: Anonymous
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SSTTB
Genre: SacredAnthem

Language: English
Instruments: Basso continuo

First published: c.1650 in manuscript
Description: Christmas motet "for the nativity of our most blessed Saviour", written most probably for a one-to-a-part choir. The organ part lacks figuring in the manuscript source.

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Original text and translations

English.png English text

Hark, shepherd swains, awake,
Give ear and banish fear;
Behold, good news I bring to you,
Whence shall accrue great joy of heart
To all that dwell in Israel.
To you in Bethlem there is born today
A saviour, Christ the Lord, whom heavens obey.
To try the truth: haste on, and ye the babe shall see;
Sweet babe, fair spark of heavenly light,
So poorly dight, in clothing mean,
Most like a wretch lodged in a cratch.
But now, in honour of this mean-born king,
Hark how my fellow soldiers sweetly sing:
"All glory be to God above,
Whose gracious love this prince of peace hath sent,
Whose birth brings peace on earth;
In whom by faith may all mankind God's favour find.
Now, then, both heaven and earth keep holy day,
And jointly sing we all Alleluia".