Inter brachia Salvatoris mei, SWV 82 (Heinrich Schütz)

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  • (Posted 2015-04-09)  CPDL #35013:         
Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2015-04-09).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 102 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Clefs modernised. Source is available on IMSLP.
  • (Posted 2013-11-27)  CPDL #30647: 
Full score:         Score information: A4, 7 pages, 230 kB   
Basso Continuo:   Score information: A4, 1 page, 57 kB   
Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2013-11-27).   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transcribed from original print, Mensurstrich layout, original key and note values, musica ficta clearly marked.

General Information

Title: Inter brachia Salvatoris mei, SWV 82
Composer: Heinrich Schütz

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: Basso continuo

First published: 1625 in Cantiones sacrae, Op. 4, no. 30
    2nd published: 1887 in Heinrich Schütz: Sämtliche Werke, Volume 4, no. 30
    3rd published: 2004 in Neue Schütz-Ausgabe, Volume 8, no. 30

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Inter brachia salvatoris mei et vivere volo, et mori cupio.
Ibi securus decantabo, exaltabo te, Domine,
quoniam suscepisti me,
nec delectasti inimicos meos super me.

English.png English translation

In the arms of my Saviour, I desire both to live, and to die.
In that safe place I will sing, and I will exalt thee, O Lord,
For you have sustained me,
and have not allowed my foes to rejoice over me.

Translation by James Gibb