Mais ma Mignonne (Clément Janequin)

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Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2023-04-03).   Score information: A4, 5 pages, 212 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download. This edition is offered at original pitch (high chiavette) for S.A.T.B. or transposed down a fourth for A.T.T.B. Modernized French underlay.

General Information

Title: Mais ma Mignonne
Composer: Clément Janequin
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicings: SATB or ATTB
Genre: SecularChanson

Language: French
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1536 in Tiers livre contenant XXI chansons à quatre esleves de plusieurs livres (Pierre Attaingnant), no. 4
    2nd published: 1538 in Venticinque canzoni francese a quatro (Antonio Gardano), no. 16
    3rd published: 1540 in Le Parangon des chansons, livre 7 (Jacques Moderne), no. 11

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Original text and translations

French.png French text

Mais ma Mignonne aux tetins descouvers
Qui de iazer & de baiser na honte
Et quant ce vient a faire fin de compte
Iamais ne veult quon la torne a lenvers.
Pourquoy gecte elle ung regard de travers
a un vetin celle ne veult qui monte
Ha ie laray par bien si ie laffronte
Ou ie rempray portes & huys ouvers.

French.png French text

Mais ma Mignonne aux tétins découverts,
Qui de jazer et de baiser n'a honte;
Et quant ce vient à faire fin de compte,
Jamais ne veut qu'on la tourne à l'envers;
Pourquoi jette elle un regard de travers,
À un vetin celle ne veut que monte?
Ha, je l'aurai par bien si je l'affronte
Où je romprai portes et huis ouverts.

English.png English translation

But as for my bare-breasted Mignonne,
Who has no shame in chatting or kissing,
And when it's time to make the final reckoning,
Only wants to be turned about;
Why does she look askance
At a trap she just wants to be caught in?
Ha, I shall win her if I engage her head-on
Where I can break open posterns and gates.

(trans. Timmi O'Danaos & Donna Ferrentes)