Teutoniam dudum belli, atra pericla molestant.
Omnibus o bona pax gaudia mille ferat.
Laetentur cives patulo, gens omnis in orbe.
In patria dulci prosperitate nova.
Tota Slesis resonet, jam tota Budorgis,
Omnibus o bona pax gaudia mille ferat.
Turba novem Silium nova cantica cantet,
Apollo aureolo resonum pectine pulset ebur,
exclamant passim Charites hominesque venusti:
Omnibus o bona pax, gaudia mille ferat.
Alternate text
Adveniunt pascha pleno concelebranda triumpho.
Inclytus hic dies est gaudia mille ferens.
Nunc totus gaudet populus, nunc bruta per orbem
Innumerum ludunt luxuriosa novum.
Omne solum resonat, jam totus Olympus:
Inclytus hic dies est gaudia mille ferens.
Et chorus angelicus nova cantica cantat,
et ante aera non solito carmine mulcet ovans,
respondet passim juvenumque senumque caterva:
Inclytus hic dies est gaudia mille ferens.
English translation
War’s dismal dangers long troubled Germany;
let peace, so welcome, bring great joy to all!
May the citizens rejoice far and wide, all peoples in the region,
enjoy the new prosperity in the dear fatherland.
May all Silesia, all Budorgis now ring out:
let peace, so welcome, bring great joy to all!.
May the 9 Muses sing new songs for Silesia
may Apollo strike the resounding ivory with golden plectrum,
may the Graces cry out on every side, and the best of men:
let peace, so welcome, bring great joy to all!
Translation by Philip Krinks/edited by Dick wursten
Alternate text
Easter comes, to be celebrated with full triumph!
Glorious is this day, bringing great joy.
Now all the people rejoice, now creatures play,
delighting, throughout the vast, renewed earth.
May the whole earth, yes all Olympus, resound,
Glorious is this day, bringing great joy.
The angelic chorus sings new songs,
and soothes the winds with an unaccustomed song, rejoicing,
The crowd of young and old responds on every side:
Glorious is this day, bringing great joy.
Translation by Philip Krinks/edited by Dick Wursten