Cari scogli (Philippe de Monte)

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  • (Posted 2022-11-08)  CPDL #71482:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2022-11-08).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 175 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Cari scogli
Composer: Philippe de Monte
Lyricist: Jacopo Sannazaro
Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SAATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1567 Il secondo libro a cinque voci (Philippe de Monte), no. 3
    2nd published: 1584 Spoglia amorosa (Girolamo Scotto), no. 12-13

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Cari scogli, dilette e fide arene
Che i miei duri lamenti udir solete,
Antri, che notte e dì mi rispondete,
Quando de l’arder mio pietà vi viene,
Folti boschetti, dolci valli amene,
Fresche erbe, lieti fiori, ombre secrete,
Strade, sol per mio ben riposte e quete,
D’amorosi sospir già calde e piene,
O solitarii colli, ò verde riva,
Stanchi pur di veder gli affanni miei,
Quando fia mai, che riposato io viva?
O per tal gratia un dì sol veggia colei,
Di cui vuol sempr’Amor ch’io parli e scriva,
Fermarsi al pianger mio, quant’io vorrei?

German.png German translation

Teure Felsen, freundliche und vertraute Gestade,
die ihr meine bitteren Klagen anzuhören pflegt,
Höhlen, die ihr Nacht und Tag mir antwortet,
wenn für mein Leiden Mitleid euch überkommt,
dichte Wälder, süße, anmutige Täler,
frische Kräuter, schöne Blumen, versteckte Schatten,
Wege, nur für mich verborgen und still,
von Liebestränen bereits heiß und voll,
oh einsame Hügel, oh grünes Ufer,
schon ermüdet, meinen Gram zu sehen,
wann werde ich jemals in Ruhe leben?
Oh, mit welcher Dankbarkeit würde ich bloß einen einzigen Tag sehen, dass diejenige,
über die zu reden und schreiben Amor mich drängt,
angesichts meiner Tränen stehen bliebe, solange ich wollte?

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Beloved rocks, delightful and familiar shores,
that use to listen to my bitter complaints,
caves that night and day answer me,
when my suffering moves you to pity,
dense woods, sweet and charming valleys,
fresh herbs, pretty flowers, hidden shadows,
paths, only for me covert and quiet,
already of love’s tears hot and full,
o lonely hills, o green bank,
already tired of seeing my grief,
when will I ever be livin in peace?
O with how much gratitude I would behold a single day that she,
whom Amor urges me to talk and write about,
would stop, seeing my tears, as long as I wished?

Translation by Gerhard Weydt