Chori di Angeli (Giovanni Croce)

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  • (Posted 2021-04-24)  CPDL #64192:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2021-04-24).   Score information: A4, 14 pages, 224 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Original note values and keys

General Information

 (Ecco l'alma beata)
Composer: Giovanni Croce
Number of voices: 10vv   Voicing: SSSAT.ATTBB
Genre: SacredMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1586 in Musica spirituale (Angelo Gardano), no. 31
    2nd published: 1589 Gemmae musicalis Liber Secundus – This publication prints the first bass of the second choir twice, the second bass is lacking, no. 4

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Ecco l’alma beata,
A cui donò se stesso il Verbo eterno.
O luce immaculata
Che fa splender il ciel, tremar l’inferno.
Tutti di lei cantiamo, anime sante.
Ma come i nostri accenti
fian degni mai di comparirle inante
Sacriam di voci in voce affetti ardenti
Deh qual reggi qua su l’eterne squadre
Santa vergine e madre
E sposa al sommo Sole almo e giocondo
Tal ne gl’affanni suoi soccorri al mondo.

Half of the parts have "in vece" instead of in "in voce", which seems less convincing.
inante (poet.) = innanzi
sommo Sole = Deo

German.png German translation

Seht hier die fromme Seele,
der selbst sich gab das ewige Wort.
O unbeflecktes Licht,
das den Himmel leuchten, die Hölle zittern macht.
Lasst uns alle von ihr singen, heilige Seelen.
Aber wie werden unsere Worte
je würdig sein, vor ihr zu erscheinen?
Weihen wir von Mund zu Mund unsere heiße Liebe.
Ach, die du herrschst hier über die ewigen Scharen,
heilige Jungfrau und Mutter,
und Braut der erhabenen und heiteren höchsten Sonne,
hilf der Welt in ihrer Bedrängnis.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt

höchste Sonne = Gott

English.png English translation

Behold the blessed soul
to which itself gave the eternal Word.
O immaculate light,
that makes heaven shine, tremble hell.
Let us all sing of her, holy souls.
But how will our words
ever be worthy to appear before her?
Let us sacrifice from mouth to mouth our burning love.
Ah, you that reign here over the eternal squadrons,
holy virgin and mother,
and bride of the sublime and jocund supreme Sun,
support the world in its distress.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt

supreme Sun = God