In Mariam vite viam (Hermanus de Atrio)

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  • (Posted 2011-09-02)  CPDL #24335:     
Editor: Mick Swithinbank (submitted 2011-09-02).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 53 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Based on the score on cpdl edited by Renato Calcaterra, but with notation modernised, barring and text added, note values halved and a few minor variants incorporated, prompted by reference to the manuscript. 'Cantus' and 'Altus' are my editorial names for the upper voices. In the manuscript they are unnamed, while the third voice down is marked 'tenor' and the fourth 'contratenor'. I have underlaid verses 1-3 and 6-7 of the 14th century hymn for the Visitation, found here.
  • (Posted 2011-05-12)  CPDL #23543:      (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2011-05-12).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 159 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: In Mariam vite viam
Composer: Hermanus de Atrio
Lyricist: Adam Easton

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: STTB, The clefs are C1, C3, C4 and F4. The ranges are b-e, c-a', d-g', F-a.
Genre: SacredOffice hymn for the Visitation

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript post 1445 in Trent codices, tr89, no. 89-195
Description: Visitation hymn from the Trent manuscript tr89, copied at Trento between 1455 and 1465, and containing 15th century repertoire. The title next to the superius identifies the text but there is no other underlay. Although I have underlaid all the voices, some of the lower voices could be sung to a vowel instead if the result sounds too confused. The musicologist Marc Lewon has pointed out that in this type of work - particularly if some voices have fewer notes than others - we cannot be sure that all the voices were texted: some might have been vocalised or even played on instruments. - Mick Swithinbank

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Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

1  Im Mariam vite viam matrem veram viventium
Pie venit qui redemit peccata delinquentium

2  Gressum cepit cum concepit Maria multum properans
visitavit comfortavit Elisabeth compatiens

3  Salutatur inflammatur Elisabeth et filius
inaudita fiunt ita de dono Sancti Spiritus

6  Precursorem et doctorem Maria plebi indicat
qui rectorem purgatorem digito mundo nuntiat

7  Leva gregem duc ad regem Maria cunctos visitans
ut salvetur et letetur cum tu sis mater medians

English.png English translation

1  To Mary, the way of life and true mother of the living,
was born he who mercifully redeemed the sins of those who had strayed.

2  After she had conceived, Mary hastened to visit Elisabeth
and sympathetically comforted her.

3  Elisabeth and her son [John the Baptist, in Elisabeth’s womb] are greeted and inspired:
thus things unprecedented come about as a gift of the Holy Spirit.

6  Mary identifies the forerunner [John the Baptist] and the people’s teacher
who will announce to the world the man who will impart instruction and purification.

7  Comfort the flock and lead it to the king, Mary, by visiting everybody
so that they may be saved and may rejoice if you, mother, will intercede for them.

Translation by Mick Swithinbank