O ye little flock (John Amner)
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- Editor: Raymond Nagem (submitted 2017-06-26). Score information: Letter, 20 pages, 375 kB Copyright: Personal
- Edition notes: Transposed up a minor third. Note values halved.
General Information
Title: O ye little flock
Composer: John Amner
Text: Luke 2:8-11, 13-14, Isaiah 6:3
Number of voices: 6vv Voicing: SSAATB
Genre: Sacred, Verse anthem
Language: English
Instruments: Keyboard, Viol Consort
Manuscript c. 1625-1640 in the Peterhouse Partbooks: Latter Caroline Set (John Cosin)
Description: May be accompanied by organ, viol consort, or both.
External websites:
Original text and translations
English text
O ye little flock, O ye faithful shepherds,
O ye hosts of heav'n, give ear unto my song.
The shepherds were a-watching of their flocks by night,
and behold, an angel.
And the glory of the Lord shone round about them,
and they all quaked for fear.
Fear not, for unto you is born a Saviour,
and not to you, but to all people,
which is Christ our Lord.
And suddenly, an host of heav'nly angels
sung and praised God, and said:
Glory be to God on high,
peace be on earth, goodwill to men.
And they cry, one to another,
Holy, holy holy is the Lord of hosts.
All the world is full of his glory.