Cresci, pianta novella (Costanzo Porta)

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  • (Posted 2021-11-29)  CPDL #66944:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2021-11-29).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 166 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Transposed down a fourth for SSTTTB because of the chiavette used
  • (Posted 2021-05-29)  CPDL #64570:         
Editor: Gerhard Weydt (submitted 2021-05-29).   Score information: A4, 6 pages, 166 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Original pitch

General Information

Title: Cresci, pianta novella
Composer: Costanzo Porta
Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1583 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 1, no. 2
    2nd published: 1591 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 2, no. 2
    3rd published: 1593 in Il Lauro verde, Edition 3, no. 2

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Cresci, pianta novella,
Sacrata al chiaro Dio,
Nel fecondo terren del pensier mio;
Che del Ciel‘ ogni stella
Con suoi benigni aspetti
Sia conforme à‘ miei detti:
A la dolce ombra de‘ tuoi rami santi
Goda il più fido de‘fedeli amanti:
E dietro à queste sponde
Ogni leggiadra Ninfa, ogni pastore
Brami cingersi il crin de la tua fronde;
Poiche novello Amore
T‘inesta nel mio core.

German.png German translation

Wachse, neue Pflanze,
heilig dem lichten Gott,
im fruchtbaren Gebiet meiner Gedanken;
jeder Stern des Himmels
möge mit seinen günstigen Aspekten
einig sein mit meinen Worten:
im süßen Schatten deiner heiligen Zweige
erfreue dich des treuesten aller treuen Geliebten:
und hinter jenen Ufern wünsche
jede hübsche Nymphe, jeder Hirte
sich das Haar mit deinem Laub zu bekränzen;
denn neue Liebe
pflanzt dich ein in meinem Herzen.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt
English.png English translation

Grow, new plant,
sacred to the lightful God,
in the fertile soil of my thoughts;
every star in heaven
with its favourable aspects
shall conform to my words:
in the sweet shade of your sacred boughs
enjoy the most faithful of true lovers:
and behind these banks
each pretty nymph, each shepherd
shall desire to crown the locks with your leaves;
for new love
implants you in my heart.

Translation by Gerhard Weydt