Crudel, perché mi fuggi

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General Information

Author: Giovanni Battista Guarini.

Settings by composers (automated)


Text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Crudel, perché mi fuggi,
s’hai della morte mia tanto desio?
Tu sei pur il cor mio?
Credi tu, per fuggire,
crudel, farmi morire?
Ah! non si può morir senza dolore,
e doler non si può, chi non ha core.

Czech.png Czech translation

Ty krutá! Proč mi utíkáš?!
Jak můžeš ty, mé srdce,
tolik žádat mou smrt?
Myslíš, že když bezcitně odejdeš,
bídně zahynu?
Ach, bez bolesti se neumírá!
Jen ten necítí bolest, kdo srdce nemá.

English.png English translation

Heartless woman, why do you avoid me
if so strongly you desire my death?
Aren't you, after all, my heart?
Do you think, cruel one,
that by avoiding me you'll make me die?
Ha! One cannot die without pain,
and he who has no heart, can feel no pain.

Translation by Campelli
English.png English translation

Cruel one, why do you flee from me,
if you desire my death so much?
Are you not my heart?
Do you believe, by fleeing,
cruel, to make me die?
Ah, one cannot die without pain,
nor can one feel pain, who has not a heart.

Translation by Allen Garvin
French.png French translation

Cruelle, pourquoi me fuis-tu
si tu désires si ardemment ma mort?
Tu es mon cœur, n'oublies pas!
Est-ce que tu penses, cruelle,
qu'en fuyant tu causeras ma mort?
Ah! On ne peut pas mourir sans douleur,
et ne peut pas souffrir, qui n'a plus de cœur.

Translation by Campelli
German.png German translation

Grausame, warum fliehst du mich?
Auch wenn du so sehr meinen Tod wünschst,
bist du doch mein Herz.
Glaubst du, Grausame, durch dein Fliehen
könntest du mich sterben lassen?
Ach, man kann nicht sterben ohne zu leiden,
und leiden kann nicht, wer kein Herz hat.

Translation by Peter Rottländer

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