Factum est silentium

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General information

Motet for the feast of Michael the Archangel.

Settings by composers

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Factum est silentium in caelo,
Dum committeret bellum draco cum Michaele Archangelo.

Audita est vox millia millium dicentium:
Salus, honor et virtus omnipotenti Deo.
Millia millium minestrabant ei et decies centena millia assistebant ei.

Variant 1
Dum draco committeret bellum et Michael pugnavit cum eo et fecit victoriam.

English.png English translation

There was silence in heaven
When the dragon fought with the Archangel Michael.

The voice of thousands of thousands was heard saying:
Salvation, honour and power be to almighty God.
Thousands of thousands ministered to him and ten hundreds of thousands stood before him.

Variant 1
for a serpent was waging war; and Michael fought with him and emerged victorious.

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