Hor che la nuova e vaga primavera (Orlando di Lasso)
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- Editor: Brian Russell (submitted 2008-02-18). Score information: A4, 10 pages, 79 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: NoteWorthy Composer file may be viewed and printed with NoteWorthy Composer Viewer.
- Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2006-03-15). Score information: A4, 7 pages, 170 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes:
- Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2001-07-10). Score information: A4, 14 pages, 180 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Contralto parts can be sung by Tenors.
General Information
Title: Hor che la nuova e vaga primavera
Composer: Orlando di Lasso
Number of voices: 10vv Voicing: SSATB.SATTB
Genre: Secular, Madrigal
Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1575 in Il secondo libro de madrigale a cinque voci, no. 25
2nd published: 1584 in Musica de diversi auttori (Vincenti and Amadino), no. 27, p. 27
3rd published: 1590 in Dialoghi musicali (Angelo Gardano), no. 49
External websites:
Original text and translations
Italian text Hor che la nuova e vaga primavera |
Czech translation Teď se vesna probudí, nová a svěží |