Madonna, ohimè, per qual cagion (Costanzo Festa)

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  • (Posted 2024-05-25)  CPDL #80772:       
Editor: Leonardo Lollini (submitted 2024-05-25).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 137 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: Original pitch and durations. Modern clefs.

General Information

Title: Madonna, ohimè, per qual cagion
Composer: Costanzo Festa
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1539 in Il primo libro de' madrigali a 4 voci, no. 1.44
Description:  Attributed to Costanzo Festa in the 1551 reprint of "Primo Libro dei madrigali di Archadelt, a quatro voci".

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Madonna, oymè, per qual cagion m'havete
privo d'ogni piacer, d'ogni conforto
che, bench'io viva, son peggio che morto?
Et se voi non volevi
gl'ultimi frutti darme,
per questo non dovevi
degl'altri mia piacer, lasso, privarme.
Ma se quel ben volete pur negarme,
che fa gir lieti et felici gl'amanti,
non mi togliete quel ch'avevo innanti.

English.png English translation

My lady, alas, for what reason have you
deprived me of every pleasure, of every comfort,
so that, although alive, I am worse than dead?
And if you didn't want
to give me the last fruits,
you shouldn't have deprived me,
alas, of my other pleasures.
But if you want to deny me that good,
which makes lovers happy,
don't take away from me what I had before.