The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets (Orlando Gibbons)

From ChoralWiki

General Information

Publication date and place: 1612 .

Composer: Orlando Gibbons

NB This is the order in which the music appears in the original, not the order as stated in the preface.

Works at CPDL

Title Year No. Genre Subgenre Vo. Voices
Ah, dear heart, why do you rise? 1612 15 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Dainty fine bird 1612 9 Secular Madrigals 5 SSTTB
Fair is the rose 1612 16 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB,SATTB
Fair ladies that to Love captived are 1612 10 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
Farewell all joys 1612 8 Secular Madrigals 5 SSTTB
How art thou thralled 1612 7 Secular Madrigals 5 SSTTB
I feign not friendship where I hate 1612 6 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
I see ambition never pleas'd 1612 5 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
I tremble not at noise of war 1612 4 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
I weigh not fortune's frown 1612 3 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
Lais now old 1612 13 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Mongst thousands good 1612 11 Secular Madrigals 5 SSATB
Nay let me weep 1612 17 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Ne'er let the sun 1612 18 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Now each flowery bank of May 1612 12 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
O that the learned poets 1612 2 Secular Madrigals 5 SSTTB
The silver swan 1612 1 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Trust not too much 1612 20 Secular Madrigals 5 SSTTB
What is our life? 1612 14 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB
Yet if that age 1612 19 Secular Madrigals 5 SATTB