Category:Posted in September 2016
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List of works with new editions posted in September 2016. This information is used by template NewPostCount to produce the monthly totals displayed in ChoralWiki:LatestScores.
Pages in this category
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 264 total.
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- A donna bella e crudele (Barbara Strozzi)
- Ach Gott, wem soll ichs klagen (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Ad te, ò Christe dirigo vota (Tiburtio Massaino)
- Africa (William Billings)
- All people that on earth do dwell (1592) (John Dowland)
- Alleluia: De profundis clamavi (Heinrich Isaac)
- Alleluja, vox laeta personat (Orlando di Lasso)
- Alma beata e bella (Girolamo Scotto)
- Altro non e'l mio amor (Girolamo Scotto)
- America (1770) (William Billings)
- Angele Dei (Carlotta Ferrari)
- Anima mea liquefacta est (Tiburtio Massaino)
- Aria de la Suite No. 3 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- As the hart panteth (William Billings)
- Audi Domine hymnum (Claudio Merulo)
- Aura gentil che mormorando (Girolamo Scotto)
- Autumn (Daniel Belknap)
- Ave Maria a 8 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Ave regina caelorum (Francisco Valls)
- Ave verum corpus (Richard Dering)
- Canst thou, O Cruel! (Michael Gray)
- Cantate Domino (Claudio Merulo)
- Cantate Domino (Paolo Pandolfo)
- Cantate Domino a 6 (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- Che giova posseder (Orlando di Lasso)
- Chester (William Billings)
- Come Holy Ghost (John Playford)
- Come holy sp'rit (Edmund Hooper)
- Compatite al mio gran fallo (Barbara Strozzi)
- The complaint of a sinner (John Farmer)
- Con male nuove (Barbara Strozzi)
- Consider all my sorrows, Lord (Thomas Clark)
- The Creed (John Playford)
- Dachsteinlied (Ludwig Carl Seydler)
- Dancket dem Herren (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Deh qual pietà (Girolamo Scotto)
- Deland (Kathryn Rose)
- Deutsche Messe, D872 (Franz Schubert)
- Dicit Dominus ego cogito (Heinrich Isaac)
- Diligam te, Domine à 7 (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- Diligite justitiam (Tiburtio Massaino)
- Le dolce rime Amore (Girolamo Scotto)
- Drei geistliche Lieder, Op. 96 (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Dum transisset sabbatum (Adrianus Tubal)
- East Needham (Daniel Belknap)
- Ecce Maria genuit (Claudio Merulo)
- Ecco la primavera (Francesco Landini)
- Ego rogabo Patrem (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- Ego sum resurrectio (Hans Leo Hassler)
- Er ist's (Hugo Distler)
- Erhör mich, Herr (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Michael Praetorius)
- Euroclydon (William Billings)
- Haec dies (Orazio Vecchi)
- Haec dies (Paolo Pandolfo)
- Herr Gott, zu Dir (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Hodie nata est beata virgo Maria (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Holy, Holy 11th Oct 2015 (Edewede Oriwoh)
- Hor hai fatto l'estremo (Girolamo Scotto)
- The humble suit of a sinner (John Farmer)
- A Hymn on Peace (Abraham Wood)
- I am the Rose of Sharon (William Billings)
- I hear you, Lord (Casey Anno)
- I lift my heart to thee (Anonymous)
- I sing of a Maiden (Simon Biazeck)
- Iesu diletto sposo (Lauda) (Anonymous)
- Impetum inimicorum ne timueritis (Tiburtio Massaino)
- In diebus illis mulier (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- In my image (Casey Anno)
- In paradisum (Carlotta Ferrari)
- In te credo (Carlotta Ferrari)
- In trouble and adversitie (John Dowland)
- Ist Gott für uns (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Iubilate Deo omnis terra (Claudio Merulo)
- Iuxta est dies domini (Anonymous)
- The Lamentation (George Kirbye)
- The Lamentation (John Farmer)
- Lamentation over Boston (William Billings)
- Lasso ch'io pur piango (Girolamo Scotto)
- Laura serena (Girolamo Scotto)
- Lauro ohime, lauro ingrato (Giovanni de' Bardi)
- Lilla dici ch'io non t'amo (Barbara Strozzi)
- The Lord descended from above (William Billings)
- Lord God of health (John Farmer)
- The Lord is my light (William Lawes)
- The Lord's Prayer (David Joseph Stith)
- Lord, in thy wrath, reprove me not (Thomas Clark)
- Lord, let me know mine end (Matthew Locke)
- The Lords Prayer (John Playford)
- Magnificat (John Farmer)
- Magnificat (John Playford)
- Magnum haereditatis mysterium (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- The man is blest (William Cobbold)
- Maria voll Genad (Orlando di Lasso)
- Mass (2011) (Scott Villard)
- Mausfallensprüchlein (Hugo Distler)
- Messe brève en faux canon (Frédéric Debons)
- Middletown (Amos Bull)
- Miei pensieri (Barbara Strozzi)
- Missa Brevis (David Joseph Stith)
- Missa brevis in C (Johann Nepomuk Wozet)
- Missa Brevis in F Major (2016) (Scott Villard)
- Missa Brevis in F minor (2016) (Scott Villard)
- Missa castellana (Óscar Manuel Paredes Grau)
- Missa Clementina I (Alessandro Scarlatti)
- Missa Dominicalis (Adriano Banchieri)
- Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae (Josquin des Prez)
- Missa In te Domine speravi a 6 (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- Missa L'homme armé super voces musicales (Josquin des Prez)
- Missa Lyrica (Paolo Pandolfo)
- Missa Pro defunctis (Oreste Ravanello)
- Modern musick (William Billings)
- Moralità Amorosa (Barbara Strozzi)
- Morpheus (William Billings)
- Morte m'ha morto (Girolamo Scotto)
- Mount Vernon Hymn (Stephen Jenks)
- My God, the spring of all my joys (Thomas Jarman)
- Die nacht is kommen (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- New Prince, New Pomp (Simon Biazeck)
- Newport (Daniel Belknap)
- Nicene Creed in D (Benjamin Rogers)
- Nicene Creed in E minor (William Child)
- Nicene Creed in F (Orlando Gibbons)
- Nicene Creed in G (Henry Aldrich)
- Now Israel may say, and that truly (Anonymous)
- Nunc dimittis (John Playford)
- O dolci sguardi (Girolamo Scotto)
- O Domine (Gregor Aichinger)
- O Domine Iesu Christe a 6 (Orazio Vecchi)
- O Fili Dei à 7 (Giovanni Gabrieli)
- O give thanks (Henry Aldrich)
- O give thanks (Thomas Tomkins)
- O God thou art my righteousness (Edward Blancks)
- O God, my God (William Cobbold)
- O God, my heart is fixed (William Billings)
- O God, to mee take heede (Edmund Hooper)
- O Iesu Christe a 5 (Orazio Vecchi)
- O Lord God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance (William Child)
- O Lord my God - arr. William Boyce (Pelham Humfrey)
- O Lord, grant the king a long life (William Child)
- O Lord, how are my foes increast (William Cobbold)
- O Lord, how joyful is the King (William Cobbold)
- O Lord, that heaven dost possesse (Edward Blancks)
- O lux beata Trinitas (Carlotta Ferrari)
- O men from the fields (Simon Biazeck)
- O sing joyfully (Adrian Batten)
- O splendidissima gemma (Carlotta Ferrari)
- O taste and see (Charles H. Giffen)
- O thou to whom all creatures bow (William Billings)
- O Welt, ich musz dich lassen (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
- Obsecro te (Carlotta Ferrari)
- Oh Maria (Óscar Manuel Paredes Grau)
- Out of the deep (Henry Aldrich)
- Où sont amour et charité (Frédéric Debons)
- Padre del ciel (Girolamo Scotto)
- Pange lingua (Carlotta Ferrari)
- Peccantem me quotidie (Gregor Aichinger)
- Per inhospiti boschi (Girolamo Scotto)
- Il pietoso Giesu (lauda) (Anonymous)
- Poi ch'el soave stille (Girolamo Scotto)
- Poi che l'empia mia sorte (Girolamo Scotto)
- The Power of Musick (Supply Belcher)
- Praise the Lord on high (Scott Villard)
- Praise the Lord, O my soul (William Child)
- A prayer (Giles Farnaby)
- A Prayer for the Queen (John Dowland)
- Psalm 100 (Brian Marble)
- Psalm 21 (Amos Bull)
- A psalme before Evening praier (John Dowland)
- A psalme before morning praier (John Dowland)
- Puer natus in Betlehem (Carlotta Ferrari)