The Singing Master's Assistant (William Billings)

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General Information

Short Title: The Singing Master's Assistant

Full Title: The Singing Master's Assistant, or Key to Practical Music, Being [an] Abridgment from the New-England Psalm-Singer; Together with Several Other Tunes, Never Before Published.

Editor - Composer: William Billings

Publication date and place: 1778 Boston. Massachusetts: Drafer and Folsom. 104 pp.
Description: William Billings' second book, consisting entirely of his own compositions.

External Links



No. Page HTI* Title Author First Line Key Meter Time Vo. Comment
1 1 3999a Aurora or Morning Hymn Awake, my soul, awake C S.M. 3:2 4
2 2 3366 Boston William Billings Methinks I see a heavenly host B C.M. 3:2 4
3 3a 3384 Duxborough Isaac Watts In vain the wealthy mortals toil e L.M. 4:4 4
4 3b 4022 Savannah George Whitefield Ah! Lovely appearance of death c L.M. 2:2 4 Words by GW
5 4a 3357 Africa Isaac Watts Now shall my inward joy arise E C.M. 3:2 4
6 4b 3370 Brookfield Isaac Watts Twas on that dark, that doleful night d C.M. 3:2 4
7 5 3997 America William Billings Come let us sing unto the Lord D 88.88.88. 3:2 4
8 6 4013 Judea William Billings A virgin unspotted by prophet foretold F 11 11.11 11 6:4 4
9 7 3360a Amherst Tate & Brady To God the mighty Lord G 66.66.88. 2:2 4
10 8 4004 Brunswick Isaac Watts Stoop down my thoughts that use to rise F C.M. 2:2 4
11 9a 3383 Dorchester Isaac Watts Time, what an empty vapor tis f C.M. 3:2 4
12 9b 4027 Sullivan Isaac Watts Let mortal tongues attempt to sing D L.M. 3:2 4
13 10a 3426 New South Tate & Brady To bless thy chosen race C S.M. 3:2 4
14 10b 3417 Medfield Samuel Byles When I my various blessings see C L.M. 3:8 4
15 11 4012 Heath Thomas Flatman Awake, my soul, awake my eyes C L.M. 2:2 4
16 12 3374 Chester William Billings Let tyrants shake their iron rod C L.M. 2:2 4
17 13 3372 Cambridge Tate & Brady Ye that delight to serve the Lord C 88.88.88. 2:2 4
18 14a 3408 Lebanon William Billings Death, with his warrant in his hand a C.M. 2:2 4
19 14b 3414 Marblehead Tate & Brady How vast must their advantage be G C.M. 3:2 4
20 15a 3401a New-Hingham William Billings Death, O the awful sound a S.M. 2:2 4
21 15b 3415 Marshfield Tate & Brady When we our wearied limbs to rest e L.M. 3:2 4
22 16a 3400 Hebron Isaac Watts My God, my life, my love d S.M. 3:2 4
23 16b 3404 Hollis Street Charles Wesley Ye servants of God, your master proclaim F 10 10.10 10 3:2 4
24 17a 3445 Princetown Tate & Brady Lord, hear the voice of my complaint d C.M. 3:2 4
25 17b 3458 Suffolk Isaac Watts Bright King of glory, dreadful God g L.M. 3:2 4
26 18 4016 Medway Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name G C.M. 3:4 4
27 19 4008 Consolation Henry Playford He's come, let every knee be bent E C.M. 6:8 4
28 20a 3466 Waltham Isaac Watts My Savior and my King C S.M. 3:2 4
29 20b 4010 Emmaus Perez Morton When Jesus wept, a falling tear g L.M. 3:2 4
30 21 3453a Sappho Isaac Watts When the fierce north wind with his airy forces C 11 11.11 11. 2:2 4
31 22 David's Lamentation David the king was grieved and moved a Anthem 2:4 4 2 Samuel 18:33
32 23 4011 Halifax Isaac Watts Not to our names, thou only just and true c 10 10.10 10.10 10. 2:2 4
33 24 3448 Pumpily Tate & Brady Ye boundless realms of joy C 66.66.88 2:2 4
34 25 4003 Bolton Charles Wesley Rejoice, the Lord is King G 66.66.88. 6:8 4
35 26 Anthem Hear my prayer, O Lord my God b Anthem 3:2 4 Psalm 39
36 28 4033 Wrentham Isaac Watts The God of glory sends his summons forth F 10 10.10 10.10 10. 2:2 4
37 29 2342c Maryland Isaac Watts And must this body die a S.M. 2:2 4
38 30 Anthem Is any afflicted, let him pray g Anthem 2:2 4
39 32 4023 Sharon Isaac Watts How glorious is our heavenly King G C.M. 6:4 4
40 33 Lamentation over Boston William Billings By the rivers of Watertown a Anthem 3:2 4
41 39 4019 Phoebus Isaac Watts Lord, in the moorning thou shalt hear f C.M. 2:2 4
42 40 3998a Ashham Isaac Watts Thou whom my soul admires above A L.M. 6:8 4
43 41 3678 Exeter Isaac Watts My thoughts on awful subjects roll f C.M. 2:2 4
44 42 4025 Spain Isaac Watts How pleased and blest was I C 668.668. 2:2 4
45 43 4024 Sherburne Isaac Watts How pleasant tis to see F 668.668. 2:2 4
46 44 4026a Stockbridge Isaac Watts From all that dwell below the skies F L.M. 2:2 4
47 46 4021 Roxbury Tate & Brady O praise ye the Lord, prepare your glad voice D 10 10.11 11. 3:4 4 Psalm 149
48 47 4000 Baltimore William Billings Father of mercies, thou C 664.6664. 6:4 4
49 48 4032 Worcester Isaac Watts How short and hasty are our lives g C.M. 2:2 4
50 49 4005 Chocksett Isaac Watts Lord of the worlds above G 66.66.88. 2:2 4
51 50 4020 Richmond James Relly My beloved, haste away a 78.78.78. 6:4 4
52 51 4018a Philadelphia Tate & Brady Let differing nations join D S.M.D. 3:2 4
53 52 A Funeral Anthem I heard a great voice from heaven f Anthem 3:2 4 Revelation Ch. 14
54 54 4028 Sunday William Billings Majestic God, when I descry E L.M. 3:2 4
55 55 4029 Vermont Isaac Watts In vain we lavish out our lives e C.M. 2:2 4
56 56 4006 Columbia William Billings Not all the powers on earth E 66.66.88. 2:2 4
57 57 Anthem Sing ye merrily C Anthem 2:2 4 Psalm 81
58 62 4030 Warren John Cennick Children of the heavenly King G 77.77. 6:8 4
59 63 Gratitude I love the Lord because he hath heard C Anthem 3:4 4 Psalm 118
60 67 3425 New North Tate & Brady O praise the Lord with one consent D C.M. 4:4 4
61 68 4014 Majesty Old Version The Lord descended from above F C.M. 2:2 4
62 69 4002a Bethlehem Tate & Brady While shepherds watched their flocks by night E C.M. 3:2 4
63 71 4017 North Providence Isaac Watts Come let us join our cheerful songs G C.M. 2:2 4
64 72 4001 Benevolence Tate & Brady Happy the man whose tender care F C.M. 2:2 4
65 73 Anthem I am the rose of Sharon A Anthem 2:4 4 Song of Solomon Ch. 2
66 79 4031 Washington Isaac Watts Lord, when thou didst ascend on high E L.M. 2:2 4
67 81 Retrospect Was not the day dark and gloomy a Anthem 2:2 4
68 92 Independence William Billings The states, O Lord, with songs of praise D Anthem 2:2 4
69 99 4007 Connection Isaac Watts Great is the Lord our God E S.M. 3:4 4
70 100 4009a Dunstable Isaac Watts With earnest longings of the mind f C.M. 3:2 4
71 102 Jargon William Billings Let horrid jargon split the air G 87.87. 2:2 4 Secular
 *. The Hymn Tune Index

Works at CPDL

Title Lyricist First Line Genre Subgenre Vo.
Africa Isaac Watts Sacred 4
America William Billings Come, let us sing unto the Lord Sacred 4
Amherst Tate and Brady Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Ashham Isaac Watts Thou whom my soul admires above Sacred 4
Aurora William Billings Awake, my soul, awake Secular 4
Baltimore 2 Father of mercies, thou Sacred 4
Benevolence Tate and Brady Happy the man whose tender care Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Bethlehem Nahum Tate While shepherds watched their flocks by night Sacred Carols 4
Bolton Charles Wesley Rejoice, the Lord is king Sacred Hymn tunes 4
Boston Sacred 4
Brookfield Isaac Watts Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Brunswick Isaac Watts Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Cambridge Isaac Watts Ye that delight to serve the Lord Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Chester William Billings Let tyrants shake their iron rod Sacred 4
Chocksett Isaac Watts Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Columbia William Billings Not all the powers on earth Sacred 4
Connection Hail! Sacred music, hail! Sacred 4
Consolation Henry Playford He's come, let every knee be bent Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
David's Lamentation Sacred Anthems 4
Dorchester Isaac Watts Sacred 4
Dunstable Isaac Watts With earnest longings of the mind Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Duxborough Isaac Watts In vain the wealthy mortals toil Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Emmaus William Billings When Jesus wept a falling tear Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Exeter Isaac Watts When I my inward guilt suppressed

Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound

Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Funeral Anthem I heard a great voice Sacred Anthems 4
Gratitude I love the Lord because He hath heard Sacred Anthems 4
Halifax Isaac Watts Not to our names, Thou only just and true Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Hear my prayer, O Lord, my God Sacred Anthems 4
Heath Thomas Flatman Awake my soul, awake my eyes Sacred 4
Hebron Isaac Watts My God, my life, my love Sacred 4
Hollis Street Mather Byles Let angels above and saints here below (1770) Sacred 4
Hollis Street Charles Wesley Let angels above and saints here below (1770) Sacred 4
I am the Rose of Sharon Sacred Anthems 4
Independence William Billings The states, O Lord, with songs of praise Sacred Anthems 4
Is any afflicted? Sacred Anthems 4
Jargon Secular Partsongs 4
Judea A virgin unspotted Sacred Carols 4
Lamentation over Boston William Billings Sacred Anthems 4
Lebanon William Billings Death, with his warrant in his hand Sacred 4
Majesty Thomas Sternhold Sacred 4
Marblehead Tate and Brady Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Marshfield When we, our wearied limbs to rest Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Maryland Isaac Watts And must this body die Sacred 4
Medfield Samuel Byles When I my various blessings see Sacred 4
Medway Isaac Watts Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
New-Hingham William Billings Death, O the awful sound Sacred 4
New North Tate and Brady O praise the Lord with one consent Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
New South Tate and Brady To bless Thy chosen race Sacred 4
North Providence Isaac Watts Come, let us join our cheerful songs Sacred 4
Philadelphia Tate and Brady Let differing nations join Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Phoebus Isaac Watts Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Princetown Tate and Brady Lord, hear the voice of my complaint Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Pumpily Tate and Brady Ye boundless realms of joy Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Retrospect Was not the day dark and gloomy Sacred Anthems 4
Richmond James Relly My beloved haste away Sacred 4
Roxbury (1778) Tate and Brady O praise ye the Lord, prepare your glad voice Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Sappho Isaac Watts When the fierce north wind with his airy forces Sacred 4
Savannah George Whitefield Ah! Lovely appearance of death Sacred 4
Sharon Isaac Watts How glorious is our heavenly King Sacred 4
Sherburne Isaac Watts How pleasant 'tis to see Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Sing ye merrily Sacred Anthems 4
Spain Isaac Watts How pleased and blest was I Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Stockbridge 3 From all that dwell below the skies Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Suffolk Isaac Watts Bright King of glory, dreadful God Sacred 4
Sullivan Isaac Watts Let mortal tongues attempt to sing Sacred 4
Sunday William Billings Majestic God, when I descry Sacred 4
Vermont Isaac Watts In vain we lavish out our lives Sacred 4
Waltham Isaac Watts Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Warren John Cennick Sacred 4
Washington Isaac Watts Lord, when thou didst ascend on high Sacred Psalm-tunes 4
Worcester Isaac Watts How short and hasty are our lives Sacred 4
Wrentham Isaac Watts The God of glory sends His summons forth Sacred Psalm-tunes 4